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Víctor Mayoral Vilches vmayoral

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vmayoral /
Created February 25, 2023 08:30
Proof of concept of Data Distribution Service (DDS) Chain of Trust (CoT) violation
msg () {
: "=== $* ==="
sleep 2
. /opt/ros/foxy/
set -x
vmayoral /
Created September 7, 2021 11:51
Is it possible to install ROS2 in petalinux? - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC

Hello @jg_spitfire,

Short answer, absolutely, yes. It's possible. I discussed the different possibilities for the ZCU102 in here. I'll be speaking about this particularly in about a week in Adapt 2021. Check out the following robotics talks we're giving:

  1. Expanding Kria SOMs Beyond Vision AI (with ABB Robotics)
  2. Bringing Adaptive Computing To Robotics
  3. ROS 2 Acceleration

You can register for adapt in here.

vmayoral /
Created September 6, 2020 09:48
FIN-ACK attack proof-of-concept for disrupting ROS and ROS-Industrial setups.
FIN-ACK attack for ROS
DISCLAIMER: Use against your own hosts only! By no means Alias Robotics
or the authors of this exploit encourage or promote the unauthorized tampering
with running robotic systems. This can cause serious human harm and material
from scapy.all import *
vmayoral /
Created September 6, 2020 09:46
SYN-ACK DoS attack proof-of-concept for disrupting ROS and ROS-Industrial setups.
SYN-ACK DoS attack for ROS
DISCLAIMER: Use against your own hosts only! By no means Alias Robotics
or the authors of this exploit encourage or promote the unauthorized tampering
with running robotic systems. This can cause serious human harm and material
import sys
vmayoral / alurity.yml
Created September 5, 2020 16:25
Alurity YAML file to launch and reproduce the general use case of the "Red teaming ROS-Industrial" article
# Networks
# Level 1: Control Networks, connect controllers and control stations
# for each controller, we expect a dedicated control-network
- network:
- name: control-network_c1_s1
- driver: overlay
alurity run  ✔  6569  21:45:44
raw: Pulling from aliasrobotics/offensive/alurity/robo_clearpath_jackal
a77401ed8908: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:17b042b1534cdfe6730b02aaca065dcc822a3e76f4d48fd24956101bc561e4c6
Status: Downloaded newer image for
Downloading images, this could take a bit
- Downloading
latest: Pulling from aliasrobotics/offensive/alurity/alurity
23884877105a: Already exists
alias@MacBook-Pro-de-alias  ~/Alias/Offensive/alurity   master ● ?  alurity restart  ✔  4784  11:06:53
Downloading images, this could take a bit already available locally
All images downloaded successfully, successfully init.
Ready! alurity enter, to start hacking.
alias@MacBook-Pro-de-alias  ~/Alias/Offensive/alurity   master ● ?  alurity restart  ✔  4785  11:06:57
Stopping subject1
Cleaning up network net1
Docker network net1 already present in your system, attaching to it.
Process: rviz2 [85098]
Path: /Users/USER/*/rviz2
Identifier: rviz2
Version: 0
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: bash [3617]
Responsible: rviz2 [85098]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2019-05-22 23:38:33.890 +0200
victor:/tmp/moveit2 (robot-model-tests4)$
| => docker build -t moveit2-robot-model-test .docker/ci/
Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.144kB
Step 1/16 : FROM ubuntu:bionic
---> 1d9c17228a9e
Step 2/16 : LABEL maintainer="Lander Usategui [email protected]"
---> Using cache
---> df22dc8b8bbd
Step 3/16 : ENV TERM xterm
---> Using cache
2664 git checkout moveit2 -b kinematics-plugin-loader
2665 sudo cp -r /tmp/moveit2/moveit_ros/planning/kinematics_plugin_loader/ ./moveit_ros/planning/kinematics_plugin_loader/
2666 git status
2667 git add .
2668 git commit -m "kinematics_plugin_loader, port to ROS 2"
2669 git log
2670 git checkout master
2671 git cherry-pick 5fbe0bf9aae46394492f23869ae809b1d2173f08
2672 git status
2673 git add moveit_ros/planning/CMakeLists.txt