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Created June 8, 2011 22:31
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YUI2 Scrolling DataTable with Footer
* ScrollingDataTable with Footer for YUI 2
* Author: Todd Smith ([email protected])
* <br/>
* @module DataTableSF
* @requires yahoo, dom, event, element, datasource, datatable
* @title DataTableSF Widget
* To implement, add the following to the DataTable configs object,
* tfooter:{
* fixed: true,
* heading: { colspan:9, label:"TOTALS ( {ROW_COUNT} positions ) :", className:'align-center' },
* col_keys: [
* { key:'s_cbasis', calc:'{SUM}', formatter:"currency" },
* { key:'s_mvalue', calc:'{SUM}' },
* { key:'gl', func: pos_gl_calc, formatter:"number" },
* { key:'glperc', func: pos_glperc_calc, formatter:"number" },
* { key:'delete', exclude:true },
* { key:'edit', exclude:true }
* ]
* } // end of tfooter
* CSS : The footer is rendered using the 'yui-dt-ft' style (which by default, I copied from the ... 'yui-dt-hd' style)
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
ua =,
DT = YAHOO.widget.DataTable,
SDT = YAHOO.widget.ScrollingDataTable;
* The DataTableSF class extends the ScrollingDataTable class to provide
* for the ability to add either fixed or scrolling TFOOT elements for table.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class DataTableSF
* @extends YAHOO.widget.ScrollingDataTable
* @constructor
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement} Container element for the TABLE.
* @param aColumnDefs {Object[]} Array of object literal Column definitions.
* @param oDataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
* @param oConfigs {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
var DTSF = function(elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs) {, elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs);
YAHOO.widget.DataTableSF = DTSF;
// Copy over DataTable constants and other static members
Lang.augmentObject(DTSF, SDT);
Lang.extend( DTSF, SDT,
* Container for footer TFOOT element
* @property _elFootContainer
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
_elFootContainer: null, // holder for footer <DIV> element, below main TABLE (for fixed option)
_elFootTable: null, // holder for footer <TABLE> element, below main TABLE (for fixed option)
_elFootEl: null, // holder for <TFOOT> element
_elFootRow : null, // holder for <TR> element
_elFootTH : null,
_elFootTHLinerEl : null,
_Foot_colopts : null, // this array of objects contains all *important* column related parameters
_tfooter_config: null,
CLASS_FOOTER : 'yui-dt-ft',
* Initializes DOM elements for a ScrollingDataTable, including creation of
* two separate TABLE elements.
* REVISED here to also provide for adding TFOOT via call to _initTFootEl.
* @method _initDomElements
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement | String} HTML DIV element by reference or ID.
* return {Boolean} False in case of error, otherwise true
* @private
_initDomElements : function(elContainer) {
// Outer and inner containers
if(this._elContainer && this._elHdContainer && this._elBdContainer) {
if(this._elHdTable && this._elTable) {
///this._initColgroupEl(this._elHdTable, this._elTable);
this._initTheadEl(this._elHdTable, this._elTable);
// Primary TBODY
// Message TBODY
// Adds TFOOT, either as new Table (fixed) or appends (floating with scroll)
if ( this._tfooter_config )
this._initTFootEl( this._elContainer );
if(!this._elContainer || !this._elTable || !this._elColgroup || !this._elThead || !this._elTbody || !this._elMsgTbody ||
!this._elHdTable || !this._elBdThead) {
YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate DataTable due to an invalid DOM elements", "error", this.toString());
return false;
else {
return true;
* Initialize internal event listeners
* @method _initEvents
* @private
_initEvents: function () {;
if ( this._tfooter_config ) {
this.on( 'refreshEvent', function() {
if ( this._elFootTH === null )
} );
YAHOO.log("Subscribed to 'refreshEvent' in _initEvents","info");
* Over-ridden initAttributes method from DataTable, inherited from Element
* @method initAttributes
* @param {Object} configuration attributes taken from the fourth argument to the constructor
initAttributes : function( oConfigs ) {
oConfigs = oConfigs || {}; this, oConfigs );
* Template for the FOOTER
* tfooter:{
* fixed: true,
* heading: { colspan:5, label:"TOTALS ( {ROW_COUNT} positions ) :", className:'align-center' },
* col_keys: [ { key:'s_shares', calc:'{SUM}' },
* { key:'s_cbasis', calc:'{MAX}' },
* { key:'s_mvalue', calc:'{MIN}' },
* { key:'gl', func: pos_gl_calc, formatter:"number" },
* { key:'glperc', func: pos_glperc_calc, formatter:"number" },
* { key:'edit', exclude:true }
* ]
* }
* @type {String or Function}
* @default null
this.setAttributeConfig( "tfooter", {
value: {
fixed: true,
heading: null, //{colspan:null, label:"", className:null },
col_keys: null // []
validator: Lang.isObject,
method: function(oParam) {
this._tfooter_config = oParam;
* getTfoot
* Returns the Tfoot element, if it exists
* @method getTfoot()
* @param none
getTfootEl: function() {
return this._elFootEl;
* Adjusts the size of the footer TD cell based upon the size settings of the
* underlying DataSet columns.
* This function accounts for the TH (header) and any colspan merging defined.
* @method _sizeFootCell
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} The liner DIV element within the footer TD
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column | YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet} The column instance
* or the ColumnSet (for TH element)
* @private
* @called_by renderFooter
_sizeFootCell : function (elCell, oColumn) {
var width = 0,
if ( oColumn && elCell ) {
// Handle the TH cell
if ( elCell.colSpan && elCell.colSpan>1 && (oColumn instanceof YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet) ) {
for(var i=0; i<elCell.colSpan; i++) {
dt_col = oColumn.keys[i];
if ( dt_col.hidden === true )
lwidth = 0;
else {
tdl = this.getThEl( dt_col ); // this.getTdLinerEl( {record:oRecord, column:dt_col} );
lwidth = Math.max(0,(parseInt(Dom.getStyle(tdl,'width'))|0),
(tdl.offsetWidth -(parseInt(Dom.getStyle(tdl,'paddingLeft'),10)|0) ));
lwidth = lwidth || 0;
width += lwidth;
max_width += (dt_col.maxAutoWidth) ? dt_col.maxAutoWidth : 0;
} else {
// This is the TD cells
dt_col = oColumn;
if (dt_col.hidden === true)
lwidth = 0;
else {
tdl = this.getThEl(dt_col);
if (tdl) {
lwidth = Math.max(0, (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(tdl, 'width')) | 0), (tdl.offsetWidth - (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(tdl, 'paddingLeft'), 10) | 0)));
// lwidth = parseInt(Dom.getStyle(tdl,'width'));
lwidth = lwidth || 0;
lwidth = 0;
offleft = tdl.offsetLeft;
width = lwidth;
max_width = (dt_col.maxAutoWidth) ? dt_col.maxAutoWidth : 0;
// Liner operations
var elLiner = ( elCell.childNodes.length>0 ) ? elCell.childNodes[0] : elCell;
if ( elLiner && width && width > 0 ) {
// elLiner.width = width+'px';
elLiner.width = width;
if ( offleft ) Dom.setStyle(elLiner,'left',offleft+'px');
return elCell;
* Outputs the markup of the footer TD applying either the user-defined
* formatting, the Column formatter or as a last resort DT default formatter.
* @method _formatFootCell
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} The liner DIV element within the footer TD
* @param fnFormatter {DataTable.Formatter} or {String} The formatter to apply
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} (Optional) The column instance
* @param oData {Data | Function} Contents for TD, a function can be provided
* @private
* @called_by renderFooter
_formatFootCell : function( elCell, fnFormatter, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
// determine the default Column formatter, if required
var cformatter = typeof oColumn.formatter === 'function' ?
oColumn.formatter :
DT.Formatter[oColumn.formatter+''] ||
// Check if a formatter was provided as tfooter.col_keys[].formatter
if ( Lang.isString(fnFormatter) )
fnFormatter = DT.Formatter[fnFormatter]; // it was a string named Formatter ...
var localFormatter = (Lang.isFunction(fnFormatter) ) ? fnFormatter : cformatter;
if ( Lang.isFunction(oData) )
elCell.innerHTML = oData();
// Apply special formatter
if (localFormatter && oColumn) {, elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData);
else {
elCell.innerHTML = oData;
* Creates the TFOOT element and a single TR as required IF a footer is configured.
* There are two different scenarios for this;
* Case 1 :
* If the user desires a "fixed" footer, a new TABLE element is
* appended to the DT container (similar to how Scrolling DT does THEAD).
* Case 2 :
* If a "non-fixed" or floating footer is desired, a TFOOT is
* simply added to the DT container TBODY.
* Uses configuration elements in _tfooter_config stored by initAttributes.
* @method _initTFootEl
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement} The Datatable container element
* @private
* @called_by _initDomElements (overridden from base)
_initTFootEl : function( elContainer ) {
var RS = this._oRecordSet,
CS = this._oColumnSet,
elTable = null,
elFootContainer = null,
elFootTable = null,
elFootEl = null,
elFootRow = null,
tf_config = this._tfooter_config;
YAHOO.log("Beginning _initTFootEl","info");
if ( !tf_config ) return;
if ( this._elFootEl ) this._destroyFootEl();
// For FIXED footer,
// we will add a DIV to the overall container, and then a TABLE element
// within the DIV (similar to what ScrollingDataTable does with adding a TABLE
// for the THEAD elements) ...
if ( tf_config.fixed === true && !this._elFootTable ) {
elFootContainer = document.createElement("div"); = this.get("width") || ""; = this.get("COLOR_COLUMNFILLER");
Dom.addClass(elFootContainer, this.CLASS_FOOTER );
this._elFootContainer = elFootContainer;
elFootTable = document.createElement("table");
Dom.addClass( elFootTable, this.CLASS_DATATABLE );
this._elFootTable = elFootTable;
elFootContainer.appendChild( elFootTable );
elContainer.appendChild( elFootContainer );
// Now assign the Table to append to, and create the TFOOT and TR elements
elTable = ( tf_config.fixed === true ) ? this._elFootTable : this._elTable;
var elTr=null, elTh=null;
elFootEl = document.createElement('tfoot');
Dom.addClass( elFootEl,this.CLASS_DATA );
elTr = document.createElement("tr");
Dom.addClass(elTr, 'yui-dt-last yui-dt-even');
* Assign an array of objects ( colopts ) for each Column defined by the user,
* in the configuration.
* Each colopts is populated and preprocessed with data to be used in the
* display and updating of the footer.
// Null each column first
var colopts = [];
for (var j=0; j<CS.keys.length; j++) {
colopts[j] = null;
for(var i=0; i<tf_config.col_keys.length; i++) {
var col = CS.getColumn(tf_config.col_keys[i].key);
if ( Lang.isObject(col) )
colopts[ col.getKeyIndex() ] = {
key: tf_config.col_keys[i].key,
column: col,
col_index: col.getKeyIndex(),
func: tf_config.col_keys[i].func || '',
calc: tf_config.col_keys[i].calc || null,
formatter: tf_config.col_keys[i].formatter || col.formatter || {},
fmtOptions: tf_config.col_keys[i].fmtOptions || null,
className: tf_config.col_keys[i].className || col.className || null,
exclude: tf_config.col_keys[i].exclude || false,
idTFLiner: this.getId() + "-tf-" + col.getSanitizedKey(),
foot_col: 0,
// sum: 0.,
arg: 0.
} // end if and for
this._Foot_colopts = colopts;
this._elFootEl = elFootEl;
this._elFootRow = elTr;
elTh = document.createElement("th");
elFootEl.appendChild( elTr );
elTable.appendChild( elFootEl )
YAHOO.log("Exiting _initTFootEl","info");
* Re-calculates the column settings based up the underlying recordset for the footer.
* The footer values are calculated and stored in variable "_Foot_colopts" which are
* inserted later by _updateFootTDs function.
* This function can recognize column keys of either ".calc" or ".func".
* The ".calc" keys can be either {SUM}, {MIN}, {MAX}, {AVG}, {MEAN} or {ROW_COUNT} at present.
* Uses column settings pre-processed and stored in ._Foot_colopts.
* @method _recalcFooter
* @private
* @called_by renderFooter, refreshFooter
_recalcFooter : function() {
var RS = this.getRecordSet(),
colopts = this._Foot_colopts;
// Loop through the RecordSet, operating on each column
for (var i=0; i < RS.getLength(); i++) {
var rdata = this.getRecord(i).getData();
for (var j=0; j<colopts.length; j++) {
if ( colopts[j] ) {
if ( Lang.isString(colopts[j].calc) ) {
var oData = rdata[ colopts[j].key ];
if ( !Lang.isNumber(oData) ) oData = 0.0;
var calc_meth = colopts[j].calc.toUpperCase();
switch( calc_meth ) {
case '{SUM}':
case '{AVG}':
case '{MEAN}':
if ( i === 0 ) colopts[j].arg = 0.;
colopts[j].arg += parseFloat( oData ) || 0.0;
// colopts[j].sum = colopts[j].arg;
if ( (i+1) === RS.getLength() && calc_meth.match(/{AVG}|{MEAN}/) )
colopts[j].arg = colopts[j].arg/RS.getLength();
case '{MIN}':
if ( i === 0 ) colopts[j].arg = parseFloat( 100000000. );
if ( parseFloat(oData) < parseFloat(colopts[j].arg) )
colopts[j].arg = parseFloat(oData);
case '{MAX}':
if ( i === 0 ) colopts[j].arg = parseFloat( -100000000. );
if ( parseFloat(oData) > parseFloat(colopts[j].arg) )
colopts[j].arg = parseFloat(oData);
case '{ROW_COUNT}':
if ( i === 0 ) colopts[j].arg = RS.getLength();
// === ADD more 'cases' for other calcs here ...
colopts[j].arg = 'unknown calc field';
} // end switch
} else if ( Lang.isFunction(colopts[j].func) )
colopts[j].arg = colopts[j].func;
colopts[j].arg = 'unknown';
} // if block
} // j loop
} // i loop
YAHOO.log("Exiting _recalcFooter","info");
* Creates the Heading element <TH> in the <TFOOT> section based upon the input
* configurations including any "colspans" defined to span multiple columns.
* This method creates the TH and the liner DIV element.
* @method _createFootTH
* @private
* @called_by _initTFootEl
_createFootTH : function( elTr ) {
var tf_config = this._tfooter_config,
if ( tf_config.heading !== null && Lang.isObject(tf_config.heading) ) {
elTh = document.createElement("th");
Dom.setStyle( elTh, 'vertical-align','middle' );
if ( Lang.isNumber(tf_config.heading.colspan) && tf_config.heading.colspan>1 ) {
elTh.colSpan = tf_config.heading.colspan;
// col_start = tf_config.heading.colspan;
elThLiner = document.createElement('div');
Dom.addClass( elThLiner, this.CLASS_LINER ); = this.getId()+"-tfoot-th-liner";
if ( tf_config.heading.className ) {
Dom.addClass( elTh, tf_config.heading.className );
Dom.addClass( elThLiner, tf_config.heading.className );
elTh.appendChild( elThLiner );
elTh = this._sizeFootCell( elTh, this._oColumnSet ); // hard-code, TH starts in Column 0
elTr.appendChild( elTh );
this._elFootTH = elTh;
this._elFootTHLinerEl = elThLiner;
YAHOO.log("Exiting _createFootTH","info");
* Revises the contents of the TH element of the TFOOT
* Can be used if the TH element "label" contains data that needs to be updated based upon
* changes to the underlying RecordSet.
* The only recognizable replaceable element is {ROW_COUNT} at the present time.
* @method _updateFootTH
* @private
* @called_by renderFooter
_updateFootTH : function ( oHeader ) {
if ( oHeader && oHeader.label && oHeader.label.length>1 ) {
this._elFootTHLinerEl.innerHTML = Lang.substitute( oHeader.label, { ROW_COUNT:this._oRecordSet.getLength() } );
YAHOO.log("Exiting _updateFootTH","info");
* @method _createFootTDs
* @private
* @called_by _initDomElements (overridden from base)
_createFootTDs : function( col_start, elTr ) {
var CS = this._oColumnSet,
elCell = null,
elLiner = null,
elTableFirstTr = this.getFirstTrEl(),
colopts = this._Foot_colopts;
for (var i=col_start; i<CS.keys.length; i++) {
var loc_col = CS.keys[i];
elCell = document.createElement("td");
elLiner = document.createElement("div");
// Duplicate the existing TABLE cell class for
// the TFOOT TD elements
Dom.addClass( elCell, elTableFirstTr.childNodes[i].className );
if ( colopts[i] !== null) {
if ( !colopts[i].exclude ) {
Dom.addClass(elLiner, 'yui-dt-liner'); = colopts[i].idTFLiner;
} else
elCell = null;
} else {
elLiner.innerHTML = ""; //elCell.innerHTML = ''; = this.getId() + "-tf-nominal" + i; // Needed for accessibility
if ( elCell !== null ) {
elCell.appendChild( elLiner );
elCell = this._sizeFootCell( elCell, loc_col ); // hard-code, TH starts in Column 0
elTr.appendChild( elCell );
} // end for i
YAHOO.log("Exiting _createFootTDs","info");
* @method _updateFootTDs
* @private
* @called_by renderFooter, refreshFooter
_updateFootTDs : function( col_start ) {
var CS = this._oColumnSet;
// var elCell = null, elLiner = null;
var firstRec = this.getRecordSet().getRecord(0);
// var elTableFirstTr = this.getFirstTrEl();
var colopts = this._Foot_colopts
for (var i=col_start; i<CS.keys.length; i++) {
var loc_col = CS.keys[i];
if ( colopts[i] !== null) {
if ( !colopts[i].exclude && colopts[i].idTFLiner ) {
elLiner = Dom.get( colopts[i].idTFLiner );
var oData = ( Lang.isFunction(colopts[i].arg) ) ? colopts[i].arg() : colopts[i].arg;
this._formatFootCell( elLiner, colopts[i].formatter, firstRec, colopts[i].column, oData);
} // if not exclude
} // if colopts not null
} // end for i
YAHOO.log("Exiting _updateFootTDs","info");
* @method renderFooter
* @public
* @called_by refreshEvent
renderFooter : function() {
YAHOO.log("Beginning renderFooter","info");
if ( this._tfooter_config ) {
var RS = this.getRecordSet(),
CS = this.getColumnSet(),
elContainer = this._elContainer,
elFootContainer = this._elFootContainer, //null,
elFootTable = this._elFootTable, //null,
elFootEl = this._elFootEl, //null,
elFootRow = this._elFootRow, //null,
tf_config = this._tfooter_config;
var firstRec = this.getRecordSet().getRecord(0);
var elTableFirstTr = this.getFirstTrEl();
// Remove prior children ...
var elTr = this._elFootRow; //,
while ( elTr.hasChildNodes() )
elTr.removeChild( elTr.lastChild );
// === Create the TH (heading) for the Footer
// account for 'colspan' if defined and insert the 'label' into TH
var col_start = ( tf_config.heading && tf_config.heading.colspan ) ? tf_config.heading.colspan : 0;
this._createFootTH( elTr );
this._updateFootTH( tf_config.heading );
var elTable = ( tf_config.fixed === true ) ? this._elFootTable : this._elTable;
var colopts = this._Foot_colopts
// Loop through user-defined oConfigs fields to be summarized
// where,
// colopts {Array of Objects} = one per ColumnSet column
if ( tf_config.col_keys && Lang.isArray( tf_config.col_keys ) ) {
this._createFootTDs( col_start, elTr );
this._updateFootTDs( col_start );
// Append the TFOOT to the table ...
this._elFootEl = elFootEl;
this._elFootRow = elTr;
elFootEl.appendChild( elTr );
elTable.appendChild( elFootEl )
YAHOO.log("Ending renderFooter","info");
* Refreshes the existing TFOOT DOM elements, including the TH and TD fields
* using the existing RecordSet.
* @method refreshFooter
* @param none
* @configs {Object} tfooter
* @called_by refreshEvent (see _initEvents this module)
refreshFooter : function() {
YAHOO.log("Beginning refreshFooter","info");
if ( this._tfooter_config ) {
var RS = this._oRecordSet,
CS = this._oColumnSet,
tf_config = this._tfooter_config;
var firstRec = this.getRecordSet().getRecord(0);
var elTableFirstTr = this.getFirstTrEl();
var elTr = this._elFootRow;
var col_start = ( tf_config.heading && tf_config.heading.colspan ) ? tf_config.heading.colspan : 0;
this._updateFootTH( tf_config.heading );
if ( tf_config.col_keys && Lang.isArray( tf_config.col_keys ) ) {
this._updateFootTDs( col_start );
YAHOO.log("Ending refreshFooter","info");
* Adjusts the TD elements of the TFOOT element if the user changes the
* underlying DataTable column sizes (i.e. dragging, resize).
* This method accounts for whether the changed Column is already wrapped
* up or merged in a "colspan" or not.
* @method _updateFooterColumn
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} (Optional) The column instance
* @private
* @called_by setColumnWidth
_updateFooterColumn : function (oColumn) {
var elFootRow = this._elFootRow,
tf_config = this._tfooter_config;
if (elFootRow && tf_config) {
var key_index = oColumn.getKeyIndex();
var foot_colspan = (tf_config && tf_config.heading && tf_config.heading.colspan) ? tf_config.heading.colspan : 1;
var foot_index = (key_index < foot_colspan) ? 0 : (key_index - foot_colspan) + 1;
var elTh = elFootRow.childNodes[foot_index];
elTh = this._sizeFootCell(elTh, this.getColumnSet());
* This is an override for DataTable's own <code>setColumnWidth</code>
* to allow updating of the TFOOT cells after the DataTable column sizes are changed.
* @method setColumnWidth
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column requiring a change
* @param nWidth {Number} New width of column
setColumnWidth : function(oColumn, nWidth) {, oColumn, nWidth);
if ( this._tfooter_config ) this._updateFooterColumn( oColumn );
* Returns the Tfoot element, if it exists
* @method getFootEl()
* @param none
getFootEl : function() {
return this._elFootEl;
* Returns the TFOOT TH element, if it exists
* @method getFootTH()
* @param none
getFootTH : function() {
return this._elFootTH;
* Returns the TFOOT TH element Liner DIV element, if it exists
* @method getFootTHLinerEl()
* @param none
getFootTHLinerEl : function() {
return this._elFootTHLinerEl;
* Returns the TFOOT TR element, if it exists
* @method getFootRow()
* @param none
getFootRow : function() {
return this._elFootRow;
* Returns the TFOOT TD element for the specified TD index, if it exists
* @method getFootTd()
* @param none
getFootTd : function( index ) {
var elFootRow = this.getFootRow();
var tds = Dom.getChildrenBy( elFootRow, function(node){
if ( node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'td' ) return true;
else return false;
return tds[index] || null;
* Returns the TFOOT TD element Liner DIV for the specified TD index, if it exists
* @method getFootTdLinerEl()
* @param none
getFootTdLinerEl : function(index) {
var td = this.getFootTd(index);
if ( td ) return Dom.getFirstChild(td);
* Destroys completely the FOOTER and all children elements, including
* the DIV, TABLE, THEAD and TR elements. Also accounts
* for whether a new DIV (with TABLE) was created for "fixed" tfooter.
* @method _destroyFooter
* @private
_destroyFooter : function() {
if ( this._tf_configs && this._tf_configs.fixed === true ) {
// Destroy the TABLE
var elTable = this._elFootTable;
if (elTable) {
Event.purgeElement(elTable, true);
// Destroy the outer container DIV
var elCont = this._elFootContainer;
if (elCont) {
Event.purgeElement(elCont, true);
this._elFootTable = null;
this._elFootContainer = null;
YAHOO.log("Exiting _destroyFooter","info");
* Destroys the TFOOT's underlying TR row, leaving the TFOOT and TABLE
* elements intact.
* @method _destroyFootRow
* @private
_destroyFootRow : function() {
var elFootRow = this._elFootRow;
if( elFootRow ) {
var elTableEl = elFootRow.parentNode;
Event.purgeElement(elFootRow, true);
this._elFootRow = null;
* Destroys the TFOOT element, first eliminating the TR element (child) while
* leaving the TABLE element intact.
* @method _destroyFootEl
* @private
_destroyFootEl : function() {
var elFootEl = this._elFootEl;
if( elFootEl ) {
var elTable = elFootEl.parentNode;
Event.purgeElement(elFootEl, true);
this._elFootEl = null;
* Overrides DataTable's destroy method to also destroy the FOOTER DIV and Table
* @method destroy
destroy: function() {
DTSF.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
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