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Last active July 8, 2020 07:29
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from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd
import yaml
from playsound import playsound
class Sound():
def __init__(self, filename, aliases):
self.filename = filename
self.aliases = aliases
self.counter = 0
def play(self, sounds_path):
self.counter += 1
def addAliases(self, aliases):
self.aliases = list(set(self.aliases + aliases))
def getAliases(self):
return self.aliases
def getFilename(self):
return self.filename
def __str__(self):
return "{}\t{}".format(self.filename, ", ".join(self.aliases))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Sound):
return False
return self.filename == other.getFilename
class Soundbox(BotPlugin):
"""Plugin to play funny sounds"""
def activate(self):
if "SOUNDS" not in self:
def get_configuration_template(self):
return {'SOUNDS_PATH': '/srv/sounds'}
def soundbox_list(self, msg, args):
"""List sounds"""
for sound in self['SOUNDS']:
yield str(sound)
if len(self['SOUNDS']) == 0:
return "No sounds yet"
def soundbox_add(self, msg, args):
"""Add a sound"""
sound = Sound(args[0],args[1:])
with self.mutable('SOUNDS') as sounds_list:
return "Sound was successfully added."
def findSound(self, alias):
for sound in self['SOUNDS']:
if alias in sound.aliases:
return sound
return None
def soundbox_addaliases(self, msg, args):
"""Add a list of aliases to a sound"""
sound = self.findSound(args[0])
if sound == None:
return "Sound {} not found.".format(args[0])
return "Aliases were successfully added."
def soundbox_del(self, msg, args):
"""Remove a sound"""
sound = self.findSound(args)
if sound == None:
return "Sound {} not found.".format(args)
with self.mutable('SOUNDS') as sounds_list:
return "Sound was successfully removed."
def sb(self, msg, args):
"""Play a sound"""
if self.mute:
return "Mmmh mmh mmmmh! (My lips are sealed!)"
sound = self.findSound(args)
if sound == None:
return "Sound {} not found.".format(args)
with self.mutable('SOUNDS') as sounds_list:["SOUNDS_PATH"])
def mute(self, msg, args):
"""Disables temporarly making noise"""
if self.mute:
return "Yay, I can make noise again!"
return "OK, I'll shut up now!"
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