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Early version of C tictactoe
/* Nick Sweeting 2013/09/09
Tic Tac Toe in C++ (non OOP)
MIT Liscense
save as tictactoe.cpp, then run
`g++ tictactoe.cpp -o tic && ./tic` to run
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
enum square {EMPTY=' ', O='O', X='X'}; // define a new enum "square" with 3 possible values (used for array board[])
square board[9] = {EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY}; // initialize the board with all empty squares
bool allow_skip = true; // allow the human to skip their turn and have the computer play itself (debug only)
// print user help board showing square numbering
void print_help() {
cout << 1 << '|' << 2 << '|' << 3 << endl; // 1|2|3
cout << 4 << '|' << 5 << '|' << 6 << endl; // 4|5|6
cout << 7 << '|' << 8 << '|' << 9 << endl; // 7|8|9
// print current board highlighting last human move and last computer move (sorry for line noise, ansi escapes are ugly)
void print_board(square board[9], int recent_human_move, int recent_computer_move) {
string tmp_board[9];
for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
if (i == recent_human_move) tmp_board[i] = "\033[1;31m" + string(1,board[i]) + "\033[0m"; // red for human's last move (using ASCII escape codes)
else if (i == recent_computer_move) tmp_board[i] = "\033[1;33m" + string(1,board[i]) + "\033[0m"; // yellow for computer's move
else tmp_board[i] = string(1, board[i]);
cout << tmp_board[0] << '|' << tmp_board[1] << '|' << tmp_board[2] << endl; // X|O|X
cout << tmp_board[3] << '|' << tmp_board[4] << '|' << tmp_board[5] << endl; // O|X|O
cout << tmp_board[6] << '|' << tmp_board[7] << '|' << tmp_board[8] << endl; // X|O|X
// check to see if the game is over, return an int status
int check_for_winner(square board[9]) { // returns int winner X=0, O=1, tie=2, unfinished=-1
int solutions[8][3] = {{0, 3, 6}, // vertical solutions
{1, 4, 7},
{2, 5, 8},
{0, 1, 2}, // horizontal solutions
{3, 4, 5},
{6, 7, 8},
{0, 4, 8}, // diagonal solutions
{2, 4, 6}};
// check for win by a player
int index1;
int index2;
int index3;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
index1 = solutions[i][0];
index2 = solutions[i][1];
index3 = solutions[i][2];
if (board[index1] == board[index2] && board[index2] == board[index3] && board[index1] != EMPTY) {
if (board[index1] == X) return 0;
else if (board[index1] == O) return 1;
// check for a tie
for (int b=0; b<9; b++) if (board[b] == EMPTY) return -1; // return -1 if any squares are empty (game unfinished)
// if no winner is found, and squares are not empty, return tie
return 2;
// checks move validity, and places the move if valid then returns the int move, if invalid returns -1
int place_move(square board[9], int move, square player_symbol) {
if (player_symbol == EMPTY) return -1; // placing an EMPTY is always invalid
else if (board[move] != EMPTY) return -1; // placing your move where one already exists is always invalid
else {
board[move] = player_symbol;
return move;
// asks the human for input, then places the move if its valid
int human_move(square board[9], square human_symbol) { // returns the move made or -1 if invalid
int move = -1;
int input_square = -1;
while (input_square == -1) {
cout << "Which square do you pick: ";
cin >> input_square;
cin.clear(); // will cause infinite loop unless input buffer is cleared between inputs
if (input_square == 0 && allow_skip) {
return 0;
if (input_square < 1 || input_square > 9) {
cout << "\nYou idiot, type numbers between 1-9 only.\n";
input_square = -1;
else move = input_square-1;
int final_move = -1;
final_move = place_move(board, move, human_symbol);
if (final_move == -1) {
cout << "\nPlacing an " << string(1, human_symbol) << " at " << move+1 << " is invalid.\n"; // if spot is taken
return human_move(board, human_symbol);
else return final_move;
/* AI Functions:
Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm (Minimax)
Big O worst case: O(|E|+|V|) -- type: depth-first
// dumb AI for gameplay demonstration and debugging when minimax_ai is broken
int fallback_ai(square board[9]) {
int sorted_board[9] = {4,0,2,6,8,1,3,5,7}; // play center, then corners, then everything else
for (int i=0;i<9;i++) {
if (board[sorted_board[i]] == EMPTY) {
return sorted_board[i];
// returns +1, 0, or -1 for scoring of the move to determine whether it helps the computer, human, or neither
int judge_move(int winner, square current_player, square computer_symbol) {
int player;
if (winner == 2) return 0; // handle ties straight off the bat
if (current_player == X) player = 0; // convert player symbol to int for easier processing X=0, O=1
else if (current_player == O) player = 1;
int score;
if (winner == player) score = 1;
else if (winner != player) score = -1;
// flip score if computer is not player who placed move
if (computer_symbol != current_player) {
if (score == 1) return -1;
else if (score == -1) return 1;
else return score;
// calculates which moves are viable by seeing which squares are EMPTY, returns array of bools viable_squares[]
bool* calc_viable(square board[9]) {
bool *viable_squares;
viable_squares = new bool [9];
int a = 0;
for (int i=0;i<9;i++) {
if (board[i] == EMPTY) viable_squares[i] = true;
else viable_squares[i] = false;
return viable_squares;
// the recursor function that plays out every possible game and calulates scores for each, places scores in the score[] int array
void minimax_recursor(square *tmp_board, int score[9], square current_player, square computer_symbol) {
bool *viable_squares = calc_viable(tmp_board);
for (int m=0;m<9;m++) {
if (viable_squares[m] == true) {
tmp_board[m] = current_player; // place actual move on temporary board
int winner = check_for_winner(tmp_board);
if (winner == -1) {
//cout << "Begin recurse for " << m+1 << endl;
// flip flop the players
if (current_player == X) current_player = O; else current_player = X;
minimax_recursor(tmp_board, score, current_player, computer_symbol);
tmp_board[m] = EMPTY; // undo move so simulation can continue
if (current_player == X) current_player = O; else current_player = X;
else {
//cout << "Score[" << m+1 << "] += " << judge_move(winner, current_player, computer_symbol) << endl;
//print_board(tmp_board, -1, m);
//score[m] += judge_move(winner, current_player, computer_symbol);
int square_score = judge_move(winner, current_player, computer_symbol);
if (score[m] >= 0 && square_score > 0) {
score[m] += square_score;
else if (score[m] <= 0 && square_score < 0) {
score[m] <= square_score;
tmp_board[m] = EMPTY; // undo move so simulation can continue
// starts the minimax_recursor with a starting set of viable_moves, chooses the move with the best score and returns int move_made
int ai_move(square board[9], square computer_symbol) {
// copy board into tmp_board to prevent direct modification during ranking
for (int a=0;a<9;a++) tmp_board[a] = board[a];
cout << "starting AI" << endl;
print_board(tmp_board, -1, -1);
// score all the possible moves recursively
int score[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
minimax_recursor(tmp_board, score, computer_symbol, computer_symbol);
int best_score[2] = {-1,0}; // position, score
for (int y=0;y<9;y++) {
cout << "Position: " << y+1 << ". Score: " << score[y] << endl;
if (score[y] < best_score[1]) {
best_score[0] = y;
best_score[1] = score[y];
if (best_score[1] == 0) {
for (int y=0;y<9;y++) {
if (score[y] > best_score[1]) {
best_score[0] = y;
best_score[1] = score[y];
int result = place_move(board, best_score[0], computer_symbol);
if (result == -1) {
cout << "\nMimixax Error: " << string(1, computer_symbol) << " at " << best_score[0]+1 << " is invalid.\n";
result = place_move(board, fallback_ai(board), computer_symbol);
cout << "Computer chose: " << result+1 << endl;
return result;
int main () {
// ask user to pick which symbol they want to use
cout << "Choose your weapon (X/O): ";
char tmp_human_symbol;
cin >> tmp_human_symbol;
cin.clear(); // will cause infinite loop unless input buffer is cleared between inputs
square human_symbol, computer_symbol;
if (tmp_human_symbol == 'x' || tmp_human_symbol == 'X') {
human_symbol = X; computer_symbol = O;
else {
human_symbol = O; computer_symbol = X;
int recent_human_move, recent_computer_move = -1;
// Game loop
while (check_for_winner(board) == -1) {
recent_human_move = human_move(board, human_symbol);
if (check_for_winner(board) != -1) break;
recent_computer_move = ai_move(board, computer_symbol);
if (check_for_winner(board) != -1) break;
print_board(board, recent_human_move, recent_computer_move);
// Endgame Text
cout << endl;
print_board(board, -1, -1); // print ending state of the board with no recent moves highlighted
string winner;
int end_result = check_for_winner(board); // its a tad innefficient to keep calling this every time, who cares, its only an extra 15ms
if (human_symbol == X && end_result == 0) winner = "You won. (X)";
else if (human_symbol == O && end_result == 1) winner = "You won. (O)";
else if (computer_symbol == X && end_result == 0) winner = "Computer won. (X)";
else if (computer_symbol == O && end_result == 1) winner = "Computer won. (O)";
else winner = "It was a tie.";
cout << "\nGame is over. " << winner << endl;
return 0;
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