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Last active August 5, 2024 03:00
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Sky Shader
// Sky shader made for Starry Expanse Prison Island Demo in 2013.
// Designed by Everett Gunther
// Implemented by Philip Peterson
Shader "Custom/Sky Shader" {
Properties {
_DSC1("DS Color 1", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_DSC2("DS Color 2", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_DSP1("DS Position 1", Float) = .35
_DSP2("DS Position 2", Float) = .85
_SunColor("Sun Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_SunGlowColor("Sun Glow Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_HorizonGlowColor("Horizon Glow Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_CenterDarkenColor("Center Darkening Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_SunPosition("Sun Position", Vector) = (0,.5,0,0)
_MoonPosition("Moon Position", Vector) = (0,.5,0,0)
_StarIntensity("Star Intensity", range(0,1.0)) = 1.0
_MoonAngle("Moon Angle", Float) = -19
_BoltNumber("Bolt Number (0-7)", Float) = 0
_LightningBrightness("Lightning Brightness", range(0,1)) = 0
_LightningGlowAdjustment("GlowAdjustment", Float) = 0
_LightningGlowPhase("Lightning Glow Phase", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
_LightningAngle("Lightning Angle", Float) = 0
_Cloudiness("Cloudiness", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
_SunLightingIntensity("Sun Lighting Intensity", Range(0,1)) = 1.0
// _TwinkleSpeed("Twinkle speed", Float) = 1.0
// _TwinklePower("Twinkle power", Float) = 1.0
_CloudAngle("Cloud Angle (Degrees)", Float) = 30
_CircularGradients("Circular Gradients", 2D) = "black" {}
_MoonDiff("Moon Diffuse", 2D) = "white" {}
_MoonAlpha("Moon Alpha", 2D) = "white" {}
_LightningBolts("LightningBolts", 2D) = "black" {}
_LightningGlow("Lightning Glow", 2D) = "blue" {}
_Stars("Stars (RGB) with twinkle mask (A)", 2D) = "black" {}
_DisplaceTexture("Cloud displacement map", 2D) = "bump" {}
_CloudGradient("Cloud Gradient", 2D) = "black" {}
_ClearFadeGradient("Clear/Fade Gradient", 2D) = "black" {}
_OvercastZenithGradient("Overcast/Zenith Gradient", 2D) = "black" {}
_BaseClouds1("Base Clouds 1", 2D) = "black" {}
_BaseClouds2("Base Clouds 2", 2D) = "black" {}
_BaseFrame("Frame Number", Float) = 0
SubShader {
Tags {
Lighting Off
Pass {
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma vertex vert
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#pragma target 3.0
#define BLENDERIFY(x) ((x-float4(.5,.5,0,0))*float4(2,2,1,1))
#define DEBLENDERIFY(x) (x*float4(.5,.5,1,1)+float4(.5,.5,0,0))
* Blender (well, Blender 2.49, but this behavior is carried on just by virtue
* of a file's being created in Blender 2.49, even if you're running some newer version
* of Blender now) has an unusual way of storing/using UV coords.
* It goes something like: -1 represents 0% across the UV map, 0 represents 50%, and 1 represents 100%.
* When converted to colors, the numbers are dealt with in the way one would usually convert
* two-dimensional vectors to colors; coerce R and G to scalars in the range [0,1] and set B to 0.
* This means a large portion of a plane (with a projected UVmap) will be black, and a large will be yellow.
* So, when you use coordinates like blender would, most of the time you're doing this
* x = <some UV coordinate source given in Unity's system>
* x *= this
* x -= that
* x = some_func(x)
* <you can use x as a color here>
* <now use x as UV coordinates>
* Sometimes (usually?) you can leave out the BLENDERIFY and DEBLENDERIFY if all you do
* is really basic transformations on x and you don't use x as a color.
* I think a name for this kind of allowed transformation would be a first-order homogeneous
* function -- but I'm not sure.
// Some convenience/readability macros
#define LUMINANCE float4(.2125, .7154, .072, 1)
#define LUM_OF(x) dot(x, LUMINANCE)
#define BLACK float4(0,0,0,1)
#define WHITE float4(1,1,1,1)
#define ONETHIRD .333333333333333333
#define AVG3(q) ((q.x+q.y+q.z)/3)
#define AVG4(q) ((q.x+q.y+q.z+q.w)/4)
#define HEX(c) ( float4( \
float(c/pow(256, 2))/255, \
float((c - c/pow(256, 2)*256*256)/256)/255, \
float(c - c/256*256)/255, \
1.0) )
// HEX macro: give it a 0x###### and it will turn it into float4(0x##, 0x##, 0x##, 1)
#define MOON_SCALE 6
#define SUN_SCALE 3.0
sampler2D _CircularGradients;
sampler2D _MoonDiff;
sampler2D _MoonAlpha;
sampler2D _Stars;
sampler2D _DisplaceTexture;
sampler2D _LightningBolts;
sampler2D _LightningGlow;
float _LightningGlowAdjustment;
sampler2D _CloudGradient;
sampler2D _ClearFadeGradient;
sampler2D _OvercastZenithGradient;
sampler2D _BaseClouds1;
sampler2D _BaseClouds2;
float _BaseFrame;
float4 _DSC1;
float4 _DSC2;
float _DSP1;
float _DSP2;
float4 _SunColor;
float4 _SunGlowColor;
float4 _HorizonGlowColor;
float4 _CenterDarkenColor;
float4 _SunPosition;
float4 _MoonPosition;
float _StarIntensity;
float _MoonAngle;
float _BoltNumber;
float _Cloudiness;
float _SunLightingIntensity;
float _LightningGlowPhase;
float _LightningAngle;
// float _TwinkleSpeed;
// float _TwinklePower;
float _CloudAngle;
float _LightningBrightness;
float _StarScale;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
o.uv = v.texcoord;
return o;
inline float4 generic_ramp_two_color(float apos, float bpos, float4 acol, float4 bcol, float input) {
return lerp(acol, bcol, saturate((input-apos)/(bpos-apos)));
inline float4 generic_animated_ramp_two_color( float aposi,
float bposi,
float aposf,
float bposf,
float4 acoli,
float4 bcoli,
float4 acolf,
float4 bcolf,
float input,
float time) {
return generic_ramp_two_color(
lerp(aposi, aposf, time),
lerp(bposi, bposf, time),
lerp(acoli, acolf, time),
lerp(bcoli, bcolf, time),
inline float4 generic_ramp_three_color (in float pos1,
in float pos2,
in float pos3,
in float4 col1,
in float4 col2,
in float4 col3,
in float input) {
// generic 3-color ramp
// TODO: branchless
if(input < pos1) {
return col1;
if (input < pos2) {
return lerp(
(input-pos1)/(pos2 - pos1));
if (input < pos3) {
return lerp(
(input-pos2)/(pos3 - pos2));
return col3;
inline float4 generic_animated_ramp_three_color( float aposi,
float bposi,
float cposi,
float aposf,
float bposf,
float cposf,
float4 acoli,
float4 bcoli,
float4 ccoli,
float4 acolf,
float4 bcolf,
float4 ccolf,
float input,
float time) {
return generic_ramp_three_color(
lerp(aposi, aposf, time),
lerp(bposi, bposf, time),
lerp(cposi, cposf, time),
lerp(acoli, acolf, time),
lerp(bcoli, bcolf, time),
lerp(ccoli, ccolf, time),
inline float4 generic_ramp_four_color (in float pos1,
in float pos2,
in float pos3,
in float pos4,
in float4 col1,
in float4 col2,
in float4 col3,
in float4 col4,
in float input) {
// generic 4-color ramp
// TODO: branchless
if(input < pos1) {
return col1;
if (input < pos2) {
return lerp(
(input-pos1)/(pos2 - pos1));
if (input < pos3) {
return lerp(
(input-pos2)/(pos3 - pos2));
if (input < pos4) {
return lerp(
(input-pos3)/(pos4 - pos3));
return col4;
// inline float4 rampSunAdjustment (float input) {
// return generic_ramp_two_color(
// 0.0,
// 370.0/508.0,
// input
// );
// }
inline float4 rampMoonGlowAdjustment (float input) {
return 0;
return generic_ramp_four_color(
inline float4 rampMoonWashoutGradient (float input) {
return 1-input*0.125490196;
// return generic_ramp_two_color(
// 0.0,
// 509.0/509.0,
// HEX(0x202020),
// input
// );
float2 rotated_origin(in float2 xyorig, float theta) {
float costheta = cos(theta);
float sintheta = sin(theta);
float2 xyfinal = xyorig;
xyfinal.x = dot(xyorig, float2(costheta, -sintheta));
xyfinal.y = dot(xyorig, float2(sintheta, costheta));
return xyfinal;
float2 rotated_about(in float2 pivot, in float2 xyorig, float theta) {
return rotated_origin(xyorig-pivot, theta)+pivot;
float4 overlay (float4 canvas, float4 image, float factor) {
float4 node1 = sign(canvas - .5);
float4 node2 = (node1 - abs(node1)) * -.5;
float4 node3 = canvas*2*image;
float4 node4 = 1 - ( ((1-image)*2) * (1-canvas) );
float4 node5 = node4 * (1-node2) + (node2*node3);
return lerp(canvas, node5, factor);
void _burn (float fac, float4 col1, float4 col2, out float4 outcol)
// This is more or less taken directly from Blender.
fac = saturate(fac);
float tmp, facm = 1.0 - fac;
outcol = col1;
tmp = facm + fac*col2.r;
if(tmp <= 0.0)
outcol.r = 0.0;
else if((tmp = (1.0 - (1.0 - outcol.r)/tmp)) < 0.0)
outcol.r = 0.0;
else if(tmp > 1.0)
outcol.r = 1.0;
outcol.r = tmp;
tmp = facm + fac*col2.g;
if(tmp <= 0.0)
outcol.g = 0.0;
else if((tmp = (1.0 - (1.0 - outcol.g)/tmp)) < 0.0)
outcol.g = 0.0;
else if(tmp > 1.0)
outcol.g = 1.0;
outcol.g = tmp;
tmp = facm + fac*col2.b;
if(tmp <= 0.0)
outcol.b = 0.0;
else if((tmp = (1.0 - (1.0 - outcol.b)/tmp)) < 0.0)
outcol.b = 0.0;
else if(tmp > 1.0)
outcol.b = 1.0;
outcol.b = tmp;
float4 burn (in float fac, in float4 col1, in float4 col2) {
// Out-of-place version of _burn.
float4 outcol;
_burn(fac, col1, col2, outcol);
return outcol;
void _screen (in float fac, in float4 col1, in float4 col2, out float4 outcol)
// Basically taken from Blender.
fac = clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0);
float facm = 1.0 - fac;
outcol.rgb = 1.0 - (facm + fac*(1.0 - col2))*(1.0 - col1);
float4 screen (in float4 col1, in float4 col2, in float fac) {
// Out-of-place version of _screen
float4 outcol;
_screen(fac, col1, col2, outcol);
return outcol;
void _dodge(in float fac, in float4 col1, in float4 col2, out float4 outcol)
// Also ported from Blender.
// fac = saturate(fac);
outcol = col1;
if(outcol.r != 0.0) {
float tmp = 1.0 - fac*col2.r;
if(tmp <= 0.0)
outcol.r = 1.0;
else if((tmp = outcol.r/tmp) > 1.0)
outcol.r = 1.0;
outcol.r = tmp;
if(outcol.g != 0.0) {
float tmp = 1.0 - fac*col2.g;
if(tmp <= 0.0)
outcol.g = 1.0;
else if((tmp = outcol.g/tmp) > 1.0)
outcol.g = 1.0;
outcol.g = tmp;
if(outcol.b != 0.0) {
float tmp = 1.0 - fac*col2.b;
if(tmp <= 0.0)
outcol.b = 1.0;
else if((tmp = outcol.b/tmp) > 1.0)
outcol.b = 1.0;
outcol.b = tmp;
float4 dodge (in float4 col1, in float4 col2, in float fac) {
// Out-of-place version of _dodge
float4 outcol;
_dodge(fac, col1, col2, outcol);
return outcol;
inline float4 multiply(in float4 col1, in float4 col2, float fac) {
// Half-baked multiplication.
// Partially mix in a color (or image) by multiplying it, but
// not taking a 100% wet result.
// Perhaps this can be rewritten. Instead of lerp(a, a*x, f)
// perhaps we can use a*(f*(x-1)+1). The question is whether
// two multiplys is faster than a multiply and a lerp.
return lerp(col1, col1*col2, fac);
inline float4 subtract(in float4 col1, in float4 col2, float fac) {
// Half-baked subtraction.
// ^^ Ditto.
return col1-col2*fac;
inline float4 add(in float4 col1, in float4 col2, float fac) {
// Half-baked addition.
// ^^ Ditto.
return col1+col2*fac;
half4 frag (v2f i) : COLOR {
// stripes for checking UV directions (change .x to .y for horizontal stripes; stripes increase in brightness in positive direction)
// if (fmod(i.uv.x, .2f) <= .04f) {
// return half4(i.uv.x, 0, 0, 1);
// }
// return half4(0, 0, 0, 1);
float4 UvInColor = BLENDERIFY(i.uv).xyyy * float4(1,1,0,0) + float4(0,0,0,1);
float4 DistortionTexture = tex2D(_DisplaceTexture, i.uv);
float4 DistortionOverlay = overlay(UvInColor, DistortionTexture, .150);
float2 DODB = DEBLENDERIFY(DistortionOverlay).xy;
float4 BaseClouds1 = tex2D(_BaseClouds1, DODB).xyzw;
float4 BaseClouds2 = tex2D(_BaseClouds2, DODB).xyzw;
float BaseClouds = lerp(BaseClouds1.x, BaseClouds1.y, _BaseFrame) * (_BaseFrame <= 1) +
lerp(BaseClouds1.y, BaseClouds1.z, _BaseFrame-1) * (1 < _BaseFrame && _BaseFrame <= 2) +
lerp(BaseClouds1.z, BaseClouds1.w, _BaseFrame-2) * (2 < _BaseFrame && _BaseFrame <= 3) +
lerp(BaseClouds1.w, BaseClouds2.x, _BaseFrame-3) * (3 < _BaseFrame && _BaseFrame <= 4) +
lerp(BaseClouds2.x, BaseClouds2.y, _BaseFrame-4) * (4 < _BaseFrame && _BaseFrame <= 5) +
lerp(BaseClouds2.y, BaseClouds2.z, _BaseFrame-5) * (5 < _BaseFrame && _BaseFrame <= 6) +
lerp(BaseClouds2.z, BaseClouds2.w, _BaseFrame-6) * (6 < _BaseFrame && _BaseFrame <= 7);
float Radius = length(BLENDERIFY(i.uv)); // TODO replace me with sample
float2 sample_point = 0.00390625; // skip the padding. same with the constant below.
sample_point.xy += 0.9921875*float2(BaseClouds, _Cloudiness);
float4 CloudGradientsSample = tex2D(_CloudGradient, sample_point);
float CloudAlpha = CloudGradientsSample.x;
float CloudEdge = CloudGradientsSample.y;
float CloudCenters = CloudGradientsSample.z;
float Backlighting = CloudGradientsSample.w;
float4 ClearFadeGradientSample = tex2D(_ClearFadeGradient, i.uv);
float4 ClearGradient = float4(ClearFadeGradientSample.x, ClearFadeGradientSample.y, ClearFadeGradientSample.z, 1.0);
float FadeGradient = ClearFadeGradientSample.w;
float4 OvercastZenithGradient = tex2D(_OvercastZenithGradient, i.uv);
float4 OvercastGradient = float4(OvercastZenithGradient.x, OvercastZenithGradient.y, OvercastZenithGradient.z, 1.0);
float HorizonZenithValue = OvercastZenithGradient.w;
float4 EdgeFade = FadeGradient * CloudEdge.xxxx;
float4 GradientMix = lerp(ClearGradient, OvercastGradient, _Cloudiness);
float4 AlphaFade = FadeGradient*CloudAlpha.xxxx;
float4 OvercastDarkness = multiply(AlphaFade, HEX(0x59595C), _Cloudiness);
float4 CloudScreening = screen(GradientMix, OvercastDarkness, 1.0);
float2 SunPositionMapping = BLENDERIFY(i.uv - _SunPosition + .5) * .3;
float3 CircularGradientsSample1 = tex2D(_CircularGradients, saturate(DEBLENDERIFY(SunPositionMapping))).yzw;
float SunLighting = CircularGradientsSample1.x;
SunLighting *= _SunLightingIntensity;
float4 DynamicSunColor = generic_ramp_two_color(_DSP1, _DSP2, _DSC1, _DSC2, SunLighting);
float4 SunAdjustment = CircularGradientsSample1.y * _SunLightingIntensity;
float4 SunColorMultiply = SunAdjustment * DynamicSunColor; // TODO
//return SunColorMultiply;
float4 NightDarkness = multiply(CloudScreening, SunColorMultiply,.9);
float2 SunGlowMapping = saturate(DEBLENDERIFY(SunPositionMapping*6.0));
float SunGlow = tex2D(_CircularGradients, SunGlowMapping).y;
float4 GlowSunColor = SunGlow * _SunGlowColor;
//float4 OvercastGlowDarkening = multiply(GlowSunColor, HEX(0x777777), _Cloudiness);
float4 GlowAdd = saturate(add(NightDarkness, GlowSunColor, SunGlow*_SunLightingIntensity));
float4 GlowSunMix = lerp(GlowAdd, DynamicSunColor, 0.1); // TODO maybe?
float2 SunCircleMapping = saturate(DEBLENDERIFY(BLENDERIFY(SunGlowMapping)*20));
float SunCircle = tex2D(_MoonAlpha, SunCircleMapping).x; // TODO combine with other sample
float4 AlphaInvert = 1-AlphaFade;
float4 CloudsBlockingSunCircle = SunCircle*AlphaInvert;
float4 SunCircleColor = AlphaInvert * _SunColor;
// [old] float4 SunCircleColor = multiply(CloudsBlockingSunCircle, _SunColor, .7);
float4 SunCircleAdd = screen(GlowSunMix, SunCircleColor, CloudsBlockingSunCircle); // TODO what's wrong with this
float4 EdgeGlowCombine = SunGlow * EdgeFade;
float4 OvercastEdgeDarkening = multiply(EdgeGlowCombine, .3, _Cloudiness);
float4 EdgeSunColor = OvercastEdgeDarkening * DynamicSunColor;
float4 SunEdgeAdd = saturate(SunCircleAdd + EdgeSunColor);
float4 BacklightingDarkeningMix = lerp(CloudCenters.xxxx, Backlighting, SunGlow);
float4 CenterDarkeningAndBacklighting = multiply(SunEdgeAdd, _CenterDarkenColor, BacklightingDarkeningMix);
float4 HorizonGlowGradient = 1-saturate(HorizonZenithValue*2);
float4 HorizonGlowColoring = HorizonGlowGradient * _HorizonGlowColor;
float4 HorizonGlowAdd = saturate(screen(CenterDarkeningAndBacklighting, HorizonGlowColoring, _SunLightingIntensity*HorizonGlowGradient*SunLighting*HORIZON_INTENSITY));
float4 ZenithGradient = 2*HorizonZenithValue-1;
float4 ZenithSubtract = saturate(subtract(HorizonGlowAdd, ZenithGradient, .05));
float2 MoonPositionMapping = i.uv;
MoonPositionMapping = rotated_about(.5, MoonPositionMapping, _MoonAngle);
MoonPositionMapping -= rotated_origin(_MoonPosition-.5, _MoonAngle);
float2 MoonPositionMappingB = BLENDERIFY(MoonPositionMapping); // B means BLENDERIFY'd
///float2 MoonPositionMappingB = i.uv;
///MoonPositionMappingB = rotated_about(float2(.5,.5), MoonPositionMappingB, radians(_MoonAngle));
///MoonPositionMappingB -= _MoonPosition*.5;
///MoonPositionMappingB = BLENDERIFY(MoonPositionMappingB); // B means BLENDERIFY'd
float2 MoonScaleMapping = saturate(DEBLENDERIFY(MoonPositionMappingB*20));
float4 Moon = tex2D(_MoonDiff, MoonScaleMapping);
float4 MoonWashoutGradient = CircularGradientsSample1.z;
float4 WashoutMultiply1 = Moon * MoonWashoutGradient;
float4 WashoutSunColorMultiply = multiply(WashoutMultiply1, DynamicSunColor, .4); // SunGlowColor instead?
float4 CloudBlocking = WashoutSunColorMultiply * AlphaInvert;
float4 MoonAdd = saturate(add(ZenithSubtract, CloudBlocking, .7));
// Moon Glow
float2 MoonGlowScaleMapping = saturate(DEBLENDERIFY(MoonPositionMappingB*2));
float MoonGlow = tex2D(_CircularGradients, MoonGlowScaleMapping).x;
float4 MoonGlowAdjust = rampMoonGlowAdjustment(MoonGlow);
float4 MoonGlowSunColorMultiply = multiply(MoonGlowAdjust, DynamicSunColor, .5); // used to be _MoonGlowColor
float4 WashoutMultiply2 = MoonGlowSunColorMultiply * MoonWashoutGradient;
float4 MoonGlowAdd = saturate(add(MoonAdd, WashoutMultiply2, .6));
float4 EdgeMultiply = MoonGlowAdjust * EdgeFade;
float4 SunColorMultiply2 = multiply(EdgeMultiply, DynamicSunColor, .4); // used to be _MoonGlowColor
float4 MoonWashoutMultiply = SunColorMultiply2 * MoonWashoutGradient;
float4 EdgeMoonGlow = saturate(add(MoonGlowAdd, MoonWashoutMultiply, .2));
// End Moon Glow
// Stars
float4 MoonAlphaInvert = 1-tex2D(_MoonAlpha, MoonScaleMapping);
float4 Stars = tex2D(_Stars, i.uv);
//float AlteredTime = _Time*_TwinkleSpeed;
//float TimeFac = sin(200*(AlteredTime+3*BaseClouds*BaseClouds));
//TimeFac = .5*TimeFac+.5;
// =*pow(, 1+(Stars.w*(Stars.w*3+1))*TimeFac*_TwinklePower);
float4 SunLightingInvert = 1-SunAdjustment;
float4 SunLightingMultiply = Stars * SunLightingInvert;
float4 CloudsBlockStars = SunLightingMultiply * AlphaInvert;
float4 MoonBlocksStars = CloudsBlockStars * MoonAlphaInvert;
float4 StarsWithIntensity = MoonBlocksStars * _StarIntensity;
float4 StarsAdd = saturate(EdgeMoonGlow + StarsWithIntensity);
// Lightning
float4 LightningColor = HEX(0x5890FF);
float2 LightningGlowControl = i.uv;
LightningGlowControl = rotated_about(.5, LightningGlowControl, radians(_LightningAngle));
float2 LightningBoltsControl = LightningGlowControl;
int IntBltNum = int(_BoltNumber);
int BltRow = IntBltNum/3;
int BltCol = IntBltNum%3;
float2 BltCoord = float2(BltCol, BltRow)*ONETHIRD;
LightningBoltsControl += BltCoord - float2(ONETHIRD, 0);
LightningBoltsControl = clamp(LightningBoltsControl, BltCoord, BltCoord+ONETHIRD-float2(0,.1));
float4 LightningBolts = tex2D(_LightningBolts, LightningBoltsControl).x;
float4 LightningBlockedByClouds = LightningBolts*AlphaInvert;
float4 LightningColoring = overlay(LightningBlockedByClouds, LightningColor, 1.0);
float4 BoltBrightnessControl = LightningColoring * _LightningBrightness;
//float4 LightningAdd1 = saturate(StarsAdd + BoltBrightnessControl);
float4 LightningAdd2 = saturate(StarsAdd + BoltBrightnessControl + BoltBrightnessControl);
float2 GlowAdjustChans = tex2D(_LightningGlow, LightningGlowControl).xy;
float4 GlowAdjust = lerp(GlowAdjustChans.x, GlowAdjustChans.y, _LightningGlowPhase).xxxx;
float4 GlowColorization = GlowAdjust * LightningColor;
float4 GlowBrightnessControl = GlowColorization*_LightningBrightness;
float4 LightningGlowAdd = saturate(add(LightningAdd2, GlowBrightnessControl, .574+_LightningGlowAdjustment));
float4 CloudEdgeMultiply = GlowColorization * EdgeFade;
float4 EdgeBrightnessControl = CloudEdgeMultiply * _LightningBrightness;
float4 LightningGlowEdge = saturate(add(LightningGlowAdd, EdgeBrightnessControl, .6));
return LightningGlowEdge;
FallBack "RenderFX/Skybox"
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