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Last active May 20, 2024 06:50
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  • Save niktekusho/5585958165523011531607e37ad8fc53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My PowerShell Profile contains mostly aliases to default Windows cmds and some custom functions I use often.
# niktekusho's profile!
# Put this file in ${HOME}\Documents\PowerShell\
# Custom environment vars
# Persist workspace env-var
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GH_PROJECTS_PATH', "$env:HOME\Documents\Github")
# Custom prompt
function prompt {
$baseRegexes = @{
$HOME = '~';
"${env:GH_PROJECTS_PATH}" = 'gh';
$currentPath = $executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path
$resolvedPath = $currentPath
# Replace every key in the baseRegexes dictionary with the associated value (if the base pattern matches)
foreach ($key in $baseRegexes.Keys) {
$regex = [regex]::Escape($key) + "(\\.*)*$"
if ($currentPath -match $regex) {
$replacement = $baseRegexes[$key]
$resolvedPath = $($resolvedPath -replace $regex, ($replacement + '$1'))
# $resolvedPath = $($currentPath -replace $regex, '~$1')
Write-Host "$ " -NoNewline
Write-Host "$resolvedPath" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline
Write-Host " > " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
return " "
# Shortcut to the "WORKSPACES" env var (path)
function Enter-Workspaces {
if ($env:WORKSPACES) {
Set-Location $env:WORKSPACES
Set-Alias ws Enter-Workspaces
# Shortcut to my GitHub projects
function Enter-GitHubProjects {
Set-Location $env:GH_PROJECTS_PATH
Set-Alias ghb Enter-GitHubProjects -Option ReadOnly
# Useful aliases
# Set-Alias mkdir make-dir -Option ReadOnly
# Set-Alias rm del-cli -Option AllScope, ReadOnly
Set-Alias np ${env:windir}\notepad.exe
# Shortcuts to optimize Docker on Windows VM virtual disk
function Invoke-DockerOptimize([String] $mode = "Quick") {
Write-Output "Running 'Docker Optimize' function in $mode mode."
return Optimize-VHD -Path "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\MobyLinuxVM.vhdx" -Mode $mode
# Simple alias of the function above
Set-Alias dockerqopt Invoke-DockerOptimize -Option ReadOnly
# "Alias" of the function above but with "Full" parameter
function dockerfullopt {
return Invoke-DockerOptimize -mode "Full"
# Similar to the time command in UNIX envs. "time" is already taken though...
Set-Alias timeit Measure-Command -Option ReadOnly
# Shortcut to open explorer on current dir
function Open-ExplorerCurrentDir {
explorer .
Set-Alias e Open-ExplorerCurrentDir -Option ReadOnly
# Shortcut to open the PowerShell profile in a text editor
function Open-PSProfileFile {
# Use Visual Studio Code if it is installed, otherwise fallback to notepad
if (Get-Command "code" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
code $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts
} else {
notepad $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts
Set-Alias psprof Open-PSProfileFile -Option ReadOnly
# Unix shell functions
function which($cmd) { (Get-Command $cmd).Definition }
function whoami { "$(Get-Content Env:\USERDOMAIN)/$(Get-Content Env:\USERNAME)" }
function touch($fileName) { Out-File -FilePath "$(Get-Location)/${fileName}" }
# Choco helpers
function Invoke-ChocoUpgradeAll {
param (
[switch]$dryRun = $false
# Run only if choco is installed
if (Get-Command "choco" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$noop = $null
if ($dryRun) {
Write-Output 'Running "choco" in dry-run mode.'
$noop = '--noop'
choco upgrade all -y $noop
} else {
Write-Warning 'You do not have "choco" installed (or in your $PATH)'
Set-Alias chocoup Invoke-ChocoUpgradeAll -Option ReadOnly
# Shortcut to change local user in a git repository
function Invoke-ChangeGitUser([String] $username = "niktekusho", [String] $email = "[email protected]", [switch] $dryrun = $False) {
if ($dryrun) {
Write-Output "Running 'Change Git User' function in dryrun mode."
Write-Output "git config $username"
Write-Output "git config $email"
} else {
Write-Output "User: $username | Email: $email"
git config $username
git config $email
# Refresh Path env var in current terminal session
function Refresh-Path() {
# User before Machine to allow for "user-defined" Path override.
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine")
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