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Last active August 30, 2021 15:57
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Import Casper iso to Docker
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: casper2docker /path/to/your/example.iso
# In this case, the docker image would be named "example"
# Requires tar, md5sum, and docker
set -e
ISO_PATH="${1?You must provide the path to an .iso}"
image_name="`basename $ISO_PATH .iso`"
function cleanup() {
echo "beginning cleanup" >&2
sudo /bin/umount "$squashdir"
sudo /bin/umount "$isodir"
sudo rm -rf "$tmpdir"
trap cleanup INT EXIT
sudo mkdir -p "$isodir"
sudo mkdir -p "$squashdir"
sudo /bin/mount -o ro,loop "$ISO_PATH" "$isodir"
echo "verifying filesystem" >&2
awk_prg='/filesystem.squashfs/ { print $1 }'
expected_md5=`awk "$awk_prg" "$isodir/md5sum.txt"`
actual_md5=`md5sum "$isodir/casper/filesystem.squashfs" | awk "$awk_prg"`
echo "expected: $expected_md5" >&2
echo "actual: $actual_md5" >&2
if [ "${actual_md5}" != "${expected_md5}" ]; then
echo "md5sum mismatch" >&2
exit 1
sudo /bin/mount -o ro,loop -t squashfs "$isodir/casper/filesystem.squashfs" "$squashdir"
echo "beginning import of $image_name" >&2
sudo /bin/tar -C "$squashdir" -c . | \
docker import -m "$MY_NAME import of $image_name" - "$image_name"
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