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Created May 11, 2012 09:15
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Save mkarg/2658574 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Applying multiple .ditaval filters on the same .ditamap (automatically, using ANT)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
To be published under the same terms as DITA-OT.
This script allows to execute DITA-OT upon a set
of automatically found .ditaval files, e. g. to
build multiple editions of the same .ditamap
To use this script in ANT, do the following:
<include file="ant-ditaot-macro.xml" />
<target name="PDFs">
<dita-ot sourceFile="src/main/dita/my.ditamap" outputDir="target">
<fileset dir="src/main/dita" includes="*.ditaval" />
Note that this script is just a prototype and
does not support lots of DITA-OT features.
It is developed and tested solely with PDFs.
Any improvements welcome! :-)
Copyright © 2012 QUIPSY QUALITY GmbH & Co. KG
Markus KARG ([email protected])
<project name="ant-ditaot-macro">
<property environment="env" />
<property name="temp.dir" location="${env.TEMP}" />
<property name="dita.dir" location="${env.DITA_HOME}" />
<macrodef name="call-dita-ot">
<attribute name="sourceFile" />
<attribute name="filterFile" />
<attribute name="outputDir" default="${basedir}" />
<attribute name="outputName" />
<!-- The below attributes are necessary because building those using <basedir/> is not possible when macro is called from script, as properties are GLOBAL then! -->
<attribute name="filterName" />
<attribute name="sourceName" />
<java classname="" fork="true" failonerror="true" taskname="dita-ot">
<pathelement location="${dita.dir}/tools/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg file="${dita.dir}/build.xml" />
<arg value="-lib" />
<arg value="${dita.dir}/tools/ant/lib;${dita.dir}/lib;${dita.dir}/lib/saxon" />
<arg value="-Dbasedir=${basedir}" />
<arg value="-Dargs.input=@{sourceFile}" />
<arg value="-Ddita.input.valfile=@{filterFile}" />
<arg value="-Doutput.dir=${env.TEMP}/ditaot/@{filterName}/out" />
<arg value="-Dtranstype=pdf" />
<arg value="-Ddita.temp.dir=${env.TEMP}/ditaot/@{filterName}/temp" />
<move file="${env.TEMP}/ditaot/@{filterName}/out/@{sourceName}.pdf" tofile="@{outputDir}/@{outputName}.pdf" />
<scriptdef name="dita-ot" language="javascript">
<attribute name="sourceFile" />
<attribute name="outputDir" />
<element name="fileset" type="fileset" />
sourceFile = attributes.get("sourcefile");
outputDir = attributes.get("outputdir");
sourceName = new File(sourceFile).getName().replaceFirst("[.][^.]+$", ""); // Strip file extension
filesets = elements.get("fileset");
fileSeparator = self.project.getProperty("file.separator");
parallel = self.project.createTask("parallel");
for (i = 0; i < filesets.size(); i++) {
fileset = filesets.get(i);
scanner = fileset.getDirectoryScanner(project);
files = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
for (j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
filterFile = fileset.getDir() + fileSeparator + files[j];
filterName = new File(filterFile).getName().replaceFirst("[.][^.]+$", ""); // Strip file extension
outputName = java.lang.String.format("%s (%s)", sourceName, filterName);
macro = self.project.createTask("call-dita-ot");
macro.setDynamicAttribute("sourcefile", sourceFile);
macro.setDynamicAttribute("filterfile", filterFile);
macro.setDynamicAttribute("outputdir", outputDir);
macro.setDynamicAttribute("outputname", outputName);
macro.setDynamicAttribute("sourcename", sourceName);
macro.setDynamicAttribute("filtername", filterName);
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