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Forked from ShridharGoel/GSoC 2019 Work
Created January 20, 2020 06:55
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GSoC 2019

Shridhar Goel | ShridharGoel

Field Details
Github @ShridharGoel
Organization FOSSASIA
Project Open Event Organizer Android
App Link Play Store, F-Droid

Project Details

In GSoC 2019, I worked on the Open Event Organizer Android App which is the app used by event organizers to manage events using the Eventyay platform. The project maintains high standards in terms of code quality and is based on the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. It uses the latest Android Architecture Components which include ViewModels, LiveData, Data Binding and uses Dagger 2 for dependency injection and RxJava for reactive programming.

Main features of the app include:

  • Events list
  • Attendees list
  • Attendee check-in/check-out
  • QR code scanning of attendees' tickets
  • Ticket sales and order statistics

My project consisted of the development of new features and working on enhancements and bug fixes which included:

  • QR code scanning for attendees in the F-Droid build variant.
  • Implementation of the system of roles and role invites.
  • Implementation of Developer Mode
  • Implementation of Places Autocomplete for event location
  • Implementation of Mapbox
  • Pagination in Attendees list
  • Updated the check-in system
  • Added 'About Us' section
  • Updated Event Dashboard
  • Implementation of Android App Links
  • Sound for check-in and check-out
  • Migration to MVVM and LiveData
  • Improved navigation flow of the app
  • Enhancement of user interface
  • Various bug fixes
  • Various enhancements

My Contributions

Merged Pull Requests

Issues Opened


Other Relevant Links

Meetup 1

Meetup 2

Meetup 3

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