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Last active January 14, 2021 15:37
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Git tips, tricks and use cases

Git tips, tricks and use cases

Recover a file deleted in a old commit

Use the hash of the last commit where the file was present.

git checkout a22db0d1ddb7bc8777f43c0fda21a1c22dc75daa my_lost_file.c

Add a submodule where a folder was present before

Problem: the index is tracking the folder and gives problems when adding the submodule. Remove the folder first.

git rm my_submodule_folder
git commit -m "Deleting original folder"
git submodule add ../mysubmodule_url.git my_submodule_folder
git commit -m "Submodule added"

Use git diff outside git

You can use git as a cli diff tool for any file outside git.

git diff --no-index path/to/file1 path/to/file2
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