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Capture monitor devices with navigator.mediaDevices.getUsermedia() at Chromium and Chrome on Linux

Chromium and Chrome refus to list or capture monitor devices on Linux

Virtual microphone using GStreamer and PulseAudio includes a section that describes a workaround using PulseAudio to create a virtual microphone where the source is a monitor device

Remap source

While the null sink automatically includes a "monitor" source, many programs know to exclude monitors when listing microphones. To work around that, the module-remap-source module lets us clone that source to another one not labeled as being a monitor:

pactl load-module module-remap-source \ master=virtmic.monitor source_name=virtmic \ source_properties=device.description=Virtual_Microphone

After we run

$ pactl load-module module-remap-source master="$(pactl list | grep -A2 '^Source #' |  grep 'Name: .*\.monitor$' | awk '{print $NF}' | tail -n1)" source_name=virtmic source_properties=device.description=Virtual_Microphone

we can call navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true}) to get permission to access device labels, filter the devices from navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() to get the device 'Virtual_Microphone' then call navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: {deviceId: {exact: deviceId}}}) again, deviceId is the deviceId of 'Virtual_Microphone' with the source of theat virtual microphone set to the monitor device that we want to capture.

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I can try to compare results with the python script later but in case you're curious here is my app, it lets you record an up-to-10 second clip from any input device and also lets you save the wav recording as a file (which comes from raw PCM):

For the source code see:
Main thread:

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did you try processing raw PCM from getUserMedia using a media stream source/AudioWorklet(or ScriptProcessorNode) with web audio API? That's what I'm doing although I don't know if there's somehow a loss of quality in the middle. I'm not using a MediaRecorder.


BTW what is the purpose of the "exact" field? What happens if I pass the device ID without "exact"?

To unambiguously set the exact deviceId Monitor devices are not listed by default on Chromium on Linux. We are sure to not get the 'Default' device, or other microphone.

What is the result of your test?

For the source code see:
Main thread:

Note, I have found using a Blob to store data to be far faster than using Array.prototype.reduce(), see

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benwiley4000 commented Nov 2, 2021 via email

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hasrack commented Nov 6, 2021

Thanks for the gist. I have a query. I am using pipewire only now. Don't want to use pulseaudio at all. I found something similar for pipewire called pw-loopback. What should be the command for pipewire?

I have created a virtual sink with pw-loopback -m '[ FL FR]' --capture-props='media.class=Audio/Sink node.description=discord-sink'
and virtual source using pw-loopback -m '[ FL FR]' --playback-props='media.class=Audio/Source node.description=discord-source'.

Now patchbay looks like this. I have selected discord source as mic and discord-sink as output device in discord. I want to stream audio from Lollipop music player to discord(google chrome input). How to route this?

Again thanks a lot for the gist.

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@hasrack I have no experience using Discord, see

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