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Created June 6, 2017 21:13
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The test cases I'm using to verify my implementation of
export {}
interface Collection<T> {
length: number;
add(x: T): void;
remove(x: T): boolean;
interface Combinators {
map<T, U>(c: Collection<T>, f: (x: T) => U): Collection<U>;
map<T>(c: Collection<T>, f: (x: T) => any): Collection<any>;
forEach<T>(c: Collection<T>, f: (x: T) => Date): void;
declare var _: Combinators;
declare var c2: Collection<number>;
var rf1 = (x: number) => { return x.toFixed() };
var r1a =, (x) => { return x.toFixed() });
var r5 = _.forEach<number>(c2, rf1); // Should error
var r6 = _.forEach<number>(c2, (x) => { return x.toFixed() }); // Should error
declare const zipWith: <T, S, U>(a: T[], b: S[], f: (x: T) => (y: S) => U) => U[];
declare const pair: <T, S>(x: T) => (y: S) => { x: T; y: S; }
const zr = zipWith([1, 2], ['a', 'b'], pair);
declare function lego1<A, B>(x: A, l: List<B>, y: A): A;
declare function lego2<C, D>(f: (l: List<C>, x: D, y: D) => D): void;
declare function bombastic<R>(f: (x: string, y: number) => R): R;
declare function bombastic2(f: (x: string, y: number) => string): void;
declare function bombastic3<R>(f: (x: string, y: number, z: R) => R): R;
declare function okay<R>(f: (x: 1, y: number) => R): R;
declare function transitive<T>(x: T, f: (x: T) => T): void;
bombastic(id2); // Should be an error T = [string, number]
bombastic2(id2); // Should be an error T = [string, number]
bombastic<string|number>(id2); // Should be OK
declare function id3<T>(x: T, y: T, z: T): T;
bombastic3<string|number>(id3); // Should be OK
transitive(1, withNum);
transitive('1', withNum);
declare function occurs<R>(f: (x: number, xs: List<number>) => R): R;
declare function f15<T extends number>(x: T, f: (x: T) => T): void;
declare function g15(n: number): number;
f15(5, g15);
interface J<T> {
[s: string]: T;
declare function g1<T>(obj: J<T>): T;
const rg1: string = g1({ p: "" });
declare function forEachChild<T>(node: Node, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodeArray?: (nodes: NodeArray<Node>) => T | undefined): T | undefined;
class Node {
_node: any;
forEachChild<C>(cbNode: (node: Node) => C, cbNodeArray?: (nodes: NodeArray<Node>) => C): C {
return forEachChild(this, cbNode, cbNodeArray);
interface NodeBrand { _nodearray: any }
class Declaration extends Node { _declarationBrand: any; }
class ParameterDeclaration extends Declaration { _paramdecl: any; }
interface Arr<T> {
concat(...items: T[][]): T[];
concat(...items: (T | T[])[]): T[];
interface NodeArray<T extends Node> extends Arr<T>, NodeBrand { }
declare function indexOf<T>(hay: Arr<T>, needle: T): number;
declare const fps: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
declare const node: Node;
indexOf(fps, node);
function selfRef<T>(n: number, callback: (n: number) => T): T {
return selfRef(n, callback);
class A { x: any; }
class B extends A { y: any; }
class Chain<T extends A> {
then<S extends T>(cb: (x: T) => S): Chain<S> {
return null!;
declare const chainB: Chain<B>;
chainB.then(b => new A);
declare function f16(f: (x: number) => 4): void;
declare function g16(x: number): number;
declare function trans<T>(f: (x: T) => string): number;
// TODO: these should all be noImplicitAny / destructuring erros
trans(({a}) => a);
trans(([b,c]) => 'foo');
trans(({d: [e,f]}) => 'foo');
trans(([{g},{h}]) => 'foo');
trans(({a, b = 10}) => a);
declare function idCreator<T>(f: (x: T|undefined) => T): T;
const icn: number = idCreator(_ => 5); // ZZZ
declare function bar<T, U, V>(x: T, y: U, cb: (x: T, y: U) => V): V;
declare function id2<T>(x: T, y: T): T;
var b1 = bar(1, "one", g); // Should be number | string
var b2 = bar(1, "one", id2); // Should be number | string
declare function withNum<N extends number>(x: N): N;
declare function withString<S extends string>(f: (x: S) => S): void;
declare function useString(f: (x: string) => string): void;
withString(withNum); // Error
useString(withNum); // Error
declare function f10<T>(x: T): T;
declare function f10<T>(x: T, y: number): T;
const a10: string[] = ["a", "b"];
const b10 =;
declare function botox<X, Y>(idX: (x: X) => X, idY: (y: Y) => Y): (x: X, y: Y) => [X, Y];
const xyPair: [number, string] = botox(id, id)(3, 'str');
const testPair: { x: number, y: string } = pair(3)('str');
declare function botox2<X, Y>(idX: { a: (x: X) => X }, idY: { a: (y: Y) => Y }): (x: X, y: Y) => [X, Y];
const bottoxObj = { a: id };
const xyPair2: [number, string] = botox2(bottoxObj, bottoxObj)(3, 'str'); // ZZZ
const xyPair3: [number, string] = botox2({ a: id }, { a: id })(3, 'str');
class GenericClass<T> {
payload: T;
var genericObject = new GenericClass<{ greeting: string }>();
function genericFunction<T>(object: GenericClass<T>, callback: (payload: T) => void) {
genericFunction(genericObject, ({greeting}) => {
var s = greeting.toLocaleLowerCase(); // Greeting should be of type string
class Foo<T extends {a: string; b:number;}>{
test: T;
constructor(x: T){}
var x = new Foo(true); // Should error
var y = new Foo({a: "test", b: 42}); // Should be OK
var z: number = y.test.b;
declare function withFew<a, r>(values: a[], haveFew: (values: a[]) => r, haveNone: (reason: string) => r): r;
function fail(message: string) : never { throw new Error(message); }
const result: number[] = withFew([1, 2, 3], id, fail); // expected result is number[]
type List<T> = { kind: 'nil' }
| { kind: 'cons', val: T, rest: List<T> }
const Nil = { kind: 'nil' as 'nil' }
declare function cons<C>(x: C, xs: List<C>): List<C>;
declare function foldr<V, A>(list: List<V>, initial: A, f: (x: V, acc: A) => A): A;
function concat<C>(list: List<List<C>>): List<C> {
return foldr(list, Nil as List<C>, append);
function append<L>(xs: List<L>, ys: List<L>): List<L> {
return foldr(xs, ys, cons);
declare function zest<T>(x: T): void;
zest(5); // should be number
function append2<L>(xs: List<L>, ys: List<L>): List<L> {
return foldr(xs, ys, flip(fconst)); // ZZZ
function append3<L>(xs: List<L>, ys: List<L>) {
return foldr(xs, ys, flip(fconst));
function append4<L>(xs: List<L>, ys: List<L>) {
return foldr(xs, ys, flip(flip(cons)));
const infPowa: typeof append = append3; // ZZZ
let jj = <T>(n: T) => 'Error please?';
let myFunc: <T>(n: T) => T = jj;
function foo<T extends Function>(x: T): T { return x; }
const r1 = foo(function (x: string) { return x; });
const r2 = foo((x: string) => x);
const r3 = foo(function (x: any) { return x; });
declare const cb1: { new <T>(x: T): T };
declare const cb2: { new<T>(x: T): number; new<T>(x: number): T; }
declare function foo7<T>(x:T, cb: { new(x: T): string; new(x: T, y?: T): string }): void;
foo7(1, cb1); // Should error
foo7(1, cb2);
function map<A, B>(items: A[], f: (x: A) => B): B[]{
var v10: number[] = map([1, 2, 3], id); // Error if not number[]
function foo3<T, U>(x: T, cb: (a: T) => U, y: U) {
return cb(x);
var r7 = foo3(1, <Z>(a: Z) => '', ''); // string
declare var a: { new <T>(x: T): T; };
function foo2<T, U>(x: T, cb: new(a: T) => U) {
return new cb(x);
var r4b = foo2(1, a); // number
function wf<N extends 5>(n: N, f: (x: 5) => N): N {
return f(n);
const wfr: 5 = wf(5, id);
const wfr2 = wf(4, id); // error
declare function flip<A, B, R>(f: (a: A, b: B) => R): (b: B, a: A) => R;
function id<I>(x: I): I {
return x;
function fconst<X, Y>(x: X, y: Y): X {
return x;
function addStr(x: number, y: string) {
return x + y;
function tagged<T extends string, Q>(tag: T, value: Q): { tag: T, value: Q } {
return { tag, value };
function fbound<T extends Q, Q>(tag: T, value: Q): { tag: T, value: Q } {
return { tag, value };
fbound(4, 4).tag; // 4 (better) or number
flip(fbound)(4, 4) // OK
fbound(4, "4"); // Error
flip(fbound)("4", 4) // Error
function of2<a, b>(one: a, two: b): [a, b] {
return [one, two];
const flipped = flip(of2);
// it was working before
const f1 = flip(addStr); // (b: string, a: number) => string
const v1 = f1("hello", 3);
const v2 = id(id)(3); // `3`
// working now
const f2 = flip(id); // <T>(b: {}, a: T): T
const f3 = flip(fconst); // <Y, X>(b: Y, a: X) => X
const f4 = flip(tagged); // <Q, T extends string>(b: Q, a: T) => { tag: T, value: Q }
const v3 = f3(1, "qw") // `"qw"`
const v4 = f3([], {}) // `{}`
const v5 = f4(5, "hello"); // { tag: "hello", value: number }
const v6 = f4(5, 5); // Error as expected
declare function compose<A, B, C>(f: (b: B) => C, g: (a: A) => B): (a: A) => C;
declare const f: <T>(x:number) => T;
declare const g: (x:boolean) => number;
const f5 = compose(f, g) // OUCH! this gets type `<T>(a: boolean) => T`
declare const g_2: <T>(x: T) => boolean;
declare const f_2: (x: boolean) => number;
const f6 = compose(f_2, g_2) // <T> (a: T) => number
const f7 = compose(id, x => String(x)) // (a: {}) => string
declare function h<R>(f: (x: number) => R): R;
var z: number = h(id);
const arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3].map(id);
declare const val1: string | undefined;
declare function cleanse<T>(x: T|undefined): x is T;
class MyClass
one(c: boolean){};
declare const test: PickPrototype<typeof MyClass, 'one'>;
type PickPrototype<T extends { prototype: any }, K extends keyof T['prototype']> = {
[P in K]: T['prototype'][P];
function wrap<T>(innerFunc: (data: T) => any) {
return (data:T) => innerFunc(data);
function inner(x:number) {};
let func = wrap(inner);
declare function union<A, B, C>(f: (a: A|B|C, b: A|B|C, c: A|B|C) => void): void;
union(<X, Y, Z>(x: X, y: Y, z: Z) => x)
declare function union2<A, B, C>(f: (a: A, b: B, c: C) => void): void;
union2(<X, Y, Z>(x: X|Y|Z, y: X|Y|Z, z: X|Y|Z) => x);
declare function union3<A, B>(f: (a: A|string, b: A|number) => B): B;
declare function uParam31<X>(x: X|number, y: X|string): X;
declare function uParam32(x: number, y: number|string): void;
declare function uParam33(x: string, y: number|string): void;
union3(uParam31); // error; A,X = [number, string]
union3(uParam32); // error
union3(uParam33); // OK; A = string; B = void
declare function union4<A, B, C>(f: (b: A|B) => C, a: A): C;
declare function uParam41(y: number|string): void;
declare function uParam42<X>(y: number|X): X;
declare function uParam43<X>(y: string|X): X;
union4(uParam41, 4); // A = number, B = string, C = void
union4(uParam42, 4); // A = number, B = X, C = X
union4(uParam43, 4); // A = number, B = string, C = number
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