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Vuetify Confirm Dialog component that can be used locally or globally
<v-dialog v-model="dialog" :max-width="options.width" :style="{ zIndex: options.zIndex }" @keydown.esc="cancel">
<v-toolbar dark :color="options.color" dense flat>
<v-toolbar-title class="white--text">{{ title }}</v-toolbar-title>
<v-card-text v-show="!!message" class="pa-4">{{ message }}</v-card-text>
<v-card-actions class="pt-0">
<v-btn color="primary darken-1" text @click.native="agree">Yes</v-btn>
<v-btn color="grey" text @click.native="cancel">Cancel</v-btn>
* Vuetify Confirm Dialog component
* Insert component where you want to use it:
* <confirm ref="confirm"></confirm>
* Call it:
* this.$'Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' }).then((confirm) => {})
* Or use await:
* if (await this.$'Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' })) {
* // yes
* }
* else {
* // cancel
* }
* Alternatively you can place it in main App component and access it globally via this.$root.$confirm
* <template>
* <v-app>
* ...
* <confirm ref="confirm"></confirm>
* </v-app>
* </template>
* mounted() {
* this.$root.$confirm = this.$
* }
export default {
data: () => ({
dialog: false,
resolve: null,
reject: null,
message: null,
title: null,
options: {
color: 'primary',
width: 290,
zIndex: 200
methods: {
open(title, message, options) {
this.dialog = true
this.title = title
this.message = message
this.options = Object.assign(this.options, options)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = resolve
this.reject = reject
agree() {
this.dialog = false
cancel() {
this.dialog = false
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bekaku commented May 22, 2020

composition-api Version


import { defineComponent, reactive, toRefs } from "@vue/composition-api";
export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      dialog: false,
      resolve: null,
      reject: null,
      message: null,
      title: null,
      options: {
        color: "primary",
        width: 290,
        zIndex: 200
    const open = (title, message, options) => {
      state.dialog = true;
      state.title = title;
      state.message = message;
      state.options = Object.assign(state.options, options);
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        state.resolve = resolve;
        state.reject = reject;

    const agree = () => {
      state.dialog = false;

    const cancel = () => {
      state.dialog = false;

    return {

call it :

                @click="openConfirm "
           <confirm ref="veeConfirmRef"></confirm>
import { onMounted } from "@vue/composition-api";
export default {
  components: {
    Confirm: () => import("@/components/Confirm")
 setup(props, { refs }) {
    onMounted(() => {
      console.log('page onMounted')
  const openConfirm = ()=> {
        .open('Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: "error" })
        .then(confirm => {
          console.log("onBeforeDeleteItem confirm : " + confirm);


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twoco commented May 25, 2020

For TypeScript to prevent type errors.

this.$root.$refs.confirm = this.$refs.confirm;
// or ... to avoid type errors.
this.$root.$data.confirm = this.$refs.confirm;

Maybe this is the more correct way, isn't? I'm new in Vue(tify). But the $root $refs exists as type.

(property) Vue.$refs: {
    [key: string]: Vue | Element | Vue[] | Element[];

You could also use a shared class ...

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thank you very much! i search for this all over the web!
how can i call this.$root.$confirm from VUEX ? i want to active the modal from my store.. is a way to get there through JS file?

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eolant commented Jun 8, 2020

@eliyahuKriel you can try importing app instance.

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eliyahuKriel commented Jun 8, 2020

thanks, i am tring but the modal just dont open..
export const SET_CONFIRM_MODAL = (state, modalData) => { App.components.Confirm.methods.openModal(modalData) };

should i access other way to the openModal method?

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eolant commented Jun 8, 2020

@eliyahuKriel hmm, not sure about your code, but you should use an instance app:

export const app = new Vue({
  render: h => h(require('$comp/App'))

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God bless you my friend, you have helped me very much

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great ...!!!

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Cerceis commented Nov 18, 2020

Thanks, this was helpful.

In the description to use this globally, I think this part:

mounted() {
   *   this.$root.$confirm = this.$;`

Should actually be this:

mounted() {
   *   this.$root.$confirm = this.$refs.confirm;

Along with this post.
When using it as global component(registered in App.vue)
I need to use *await this.$root.$'Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' })
instead of *await this.$refs.$'Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' })

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activeliang commented Nov 28, 2020

How to use in general JS files or use it in global
Called in custom modules, such as router.js, api.js, custom.js

My solution:
Create a new file: confirm.js

import Confirm from './confirm.vue' 
import Vue from 'vue'

const instance = new (Vue.extend(Confirm))()

  instance.$vuetify = { breakpoint: {}}

export default instance

Then in main.js:

import Confirm from './cofirm.js'
Vue.prototype.$confirm = Confirm

Then in the js file you want to call:

import Confirm from './cofirm.js''Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' }).then((confirm) => {})


It is worth noting:

  1. The v-dialog component must provide the dark parameter to use the dark theme
  2. The purpose of instance.$vuetify = { breakpoint: {}} in the above example is to remove the error message Error in callback for watcher "isActive": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'smAndDown' of undefined

It could be called both in Vue instance context:

this.$'Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' }).then((confirm) => { console.log('close') })

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atreya2011 commented Jan 7, 2021

Here is the TypeScript version

import { defineComponent, reactive, toRefs } from "@vue/composition-api";

interface Options {
  color: string;
  width: number;
  zIndex: number;

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      dialog: false,
      resolve: (val: boolean) => {},
      reject: (val: boolean) => {},
      message: "",
      title: "",
      options: {
        color: "primary",
        width: 290,
        zIndex: 200,

    const open = (title: string, message: string, options: Options) => {
      state.dialog = true;
      state.title = title;
      state.message = message;
      state.options = Object.assign(state.options, options);
      return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => {
        state.resolve = resolve;
        state.reject = reject;

    const agree = () => {
      state.dialog = false;

    const cancel = () => {
      state.dialog = false;

    return {

Call it this way using TypeScript:

    <v-btn icon color="red" @click="openConfirm">
    <confirm ref="veeConfirmRef"></confirm>
<script lang="ts">
import { onMounted, ref } from "@vue/composition-api";
import Confirm from "@/components/Confirm.vue"

export default {
  components: {

  setup() {
    const veeConfirmRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof Confirm>>();

    onMounted(() => {
      console.log('page onMounted')

    const openConfirm = ()=> {
        .open('Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: "error" })
        .then(confirm => {
          console.log("onBeforeDeleteItem confirm : " + confirm);


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StarWar commented Apr 3, 2021

I'm getting the following error after upgrading some dependencies i.e nuxtjs.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'open' of undefined
    at VueComponent.mounted (default.vue?ec86:160)
    at invokeWithErrorHandling (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:1854)
    at callHook (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4219)
    at Object.insert (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:3139)
    at invokeInsertHook (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:6346)
    at Vue.patch [as __patch__] (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:6565)
    at Vue._update (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:3945)
    at Vue.updateComponent (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4060)
    at Watcher.get (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4479)
    at new Watcher (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4468)
    The error is at following lines
    mounted() {
    this.$root.$confirm = this.$
    this.$root.$toast = this.$

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this.$root.$confirm = this.$

Having same issue. How can we use this in nuxt globally. something like this.$root.$

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Just to add to the comments .. I registered this component globally based off of the Vue 2 documentation and use it all over vs adding it to the App.vue. This way I was able to use it as initially described.

// in your main.js before you instantiate your new Vue({}) application:
import ConfirmDialog from "@/components/shared/ConfirmDialog"
Vue.component('ConfirmDialog', ConfirmDialog)

// in <template>:
// <ConfirmDialog ref="confirm"></ConfirmDialog>

// Call it:
this.$'Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' }).then((confirm) => {})
// Or use await:
if (await this.$'Delete', 'Are you sure?', { color: 'red' })) {
  // yes
} else {
  // cancel

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wobsoriano commented Jul 18, 2021

If you are using the Composition API plugin, you can use provide/inject plus a useDialog composable that injects the show dialog function. Cleanest and TypeScript friendly!

Here's how you would call it:

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';
import { useDialog } from '~/composables';

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const createConfirmDialog = useDialog();

    const handleDelete = async () => {
      try {
        const shouldProceed = await createConfirmDialog(
          'Delete this post?',
          { width: 300 }
      } catch (_e) {}

    return {

Full implementation here:

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jtgasper3 commented Sep 5, 2021

Standing on the shoulders of the giants before me, I was able to get a global confirmation function working with Nuxt.js:

  1. In the layout component where the dialog is place:

    <app-confirmation-dialog ref="confirm" />
      //because I'm using Class based components I used an `@Ref()` shorthand, but using $refs in the RH side of the assignment below should work too:
      readonly confirm!: AppConfirmationDialog
      // the real magic??
       mounted(): void {
        this.$nuxt.$root.$confirm =
  2. Its usage in other components:

    await this.$root.$confirm(
            'Skip Day',
            'Are you sure you want to toggle the Skip Day status?',
              color: 'red',
  3. Most likely because I am using Typescript I had to add a Nuxt plugin with:

    import { Options } from '@/types'
    declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
      interface Vue {
        $confirm(title: string, message: string, options: Options): Promise<boolean>
  4. and I had a type defined in a file shared between the plugin and the other components:

    export interface Options {
      color?: string
      width?: number
      zIndex?: number

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Why use @click.native when @click seems to do the trick? Is there any scenario when a simple @click is not enough?

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If you need to implement it on vue3+vuetify3, you can refer to this article

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mepanko91 commented Feb 22, 2024


Add this function inside confirm dialog component so it will resolve with false if dialog is closed by clicking outside

function atDialogUpdate(val) {
  if (!val) {

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pkhuji commented Mar 23, 2024

If using in multiple places then confirmDialog component can be placed in root #app component like this

<div id='#app'>
  <confirmDialog :ref='store.setConfirmDialogRef' />

then in pinia store or any shared state

state: () => ({
  confirmDialogRef: null,
actions: {
  setConfirmDialogRef(val) {
    this.confirmDialogRef = val;

The store.setConfirmDialogRef method will update ref in store.
then in any function

async function submit() {
  if (!await
    "You sure?",
  )) {

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