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Chad Boyce djsnipa1

  • 22:34 (UTC -04:00)
View GitHub Profile
eoureo / Obsidian Web Clipper Bookmarklet - CORS issue fixed.js
Last active January 17, 2024 09:46
Fix Obsidian Web Clipper Bookmarklet - CORS issue in a crazy way. 옵시디언 Web Clipper Bookmarklet 고침 - CORS 문제 해결. 무식한 방법.
/* Optional vault name */
const vault = "V-07";
/* Optional folder name such as "Clippings/" */
const folder = "Scraps/";
/* Optional tags */
const tags = "#clippings";
idnovic /
Last active July 16, 2023 23:03
shellfish widget
source .bashrc
loadavg=$(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
cpucount=$(sed -n '/ cores/ s/[^0-9]//gp' /proc/cpuinfo | sed '1,1d')
memtotal=$(sed -n '/^MemTotal:/ s/[^0-9]//gp' /proc/meminfo)
memavail=$(sed -n '/^MemAvailable:/ s/[^0-9]//gp' /proc/meminfo)
ShivamJoker / Figlet fonts
Last active January 17, 2024 09:41
380 figlet fonts preview

Font - 1Row

'| /? () \/\/ 

Font - 3D-ASCII

danielkhoo / scriptable-npm-download-widget.js
Created September 3, 2022 12:11
Scriptable: npm download widget
const PACKAGE = "nric"
let widget = await createWidget();
// Check where the script is running
if (config.runsInWidget) {
// Runs inside a widget so add it to the homescreen widget
} else {
// Show the medium widget inside the app
ShivamJoker /
Created May 26, 2022 09:34
Simple function which rendereds RGB color in your terminal console

Sample color pallete output


.css-selector {
    background: linear-gradient(52deg, #f51cc7, #f8960d, #97f80d, #0daef8, #0df8b6);
    background-size: 1000% 1000%;
    -webkit-animation: AnimationName 14s ease infinite;
    -moz-animation: AnimationName 14s ease infinite;
    -o-animation: AnimationName 14s ease infinite;
    animation: AnimationName 14s ease infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes AnimationName {
    0%{background-position:0% 90%}
taskylizard /
Last active September 29, 2024 07:12
/r/freemediaheckyeah, in one single file (view raw)
ShivamJoker / Useful bash
Last active January 17, 2024 09:43
Some of the useful bash commands which I use everyday

Rename all files extension recursively eg. .js to .jsx

find . -name '*.js' -exec sh -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.js}.jsx"' {} \;

Convert all images in a specific format (eg .png or .jpg to webp)

for i in *; do convert $i "${i%.*}.webp"; done   
anosatsuk124 /
Created November 24, 2021 14:21
shellfishrc for fish shell ( Secure fish shell )

shellfishrc for fish shell ( Secure fish shell )

kepano / obsidian-web-clipper.js
Last active September 28, 2024 14:04
Obsidian Web Clipper Bookmarklet to save articles and pages from the web (for Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and mobile browsers)
javascript: Promise.all([import('[email protected]?module'), import('[email protected]'), ]).then(async ([{
default: Turndown
}, {
default: Readability
}]) => {
/* Optional vault name */
const vault = "";
/* Optional folder name such as "Clippings/" */