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Created September 30, 2024 20:58
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  • Save boegel/cd8ffd13dc9b540fc541ad5404882472 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(partial) EasyBuild log for failed build of /tmp/vsc40023/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/o/OpenBabel/OpenBabel-3.1.1-gompi-2023a.eb (easyblock PR(s) #3343)
*** Open Babel Warning in IsValid
The molecule contains a connected component that contains atoms with different reaction roles. All atoms in a particular connected component should have the same role.
*** Open Babel Warning in ReadMolecule
WARNING: Problem interpreting the valence field of an atom
The valence field specifies a valence 0 that is
less than the observed explicit valence 1.
*** Open Babel Warning in WriteMolecule
No 2D or 3D coordinates exist. Stereochemical information will be stored using an Open Babel extension. To generate 2D or 3D coordinates instead use --gen2D or --gen3D.
*** Open Babel Error in ParseComplex
SMILES string contains a character '#' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Error in ParseComplex
Element number must be <= 255)
*** Open Babel Error in ParseComplex
SMILES string contains a character '#' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseRingBond
Warning: Tetrahedral stereo specified for atom with more than 4 connections.
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseSmiles
Failed to kekulize aromatic SMILES
*** Open Babel Error in ParseSimple
SMILES string contains a character ',' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Error in ParseSimple
SMILES string contains a character ',' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Error in ParseComplex
SMILES string contains a character ',' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Error in ParseComplex
SMILES string contains a character ',' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseComplex
The atom class following : must be a number
*** Open Babel Error in ParseSimple
SMILES string contains a character ',' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseRingBond
Two digits expected after %
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseRingBond
Matching close parenthesis not found for ring closure number
*** Open Babel Error in ParseSimple
SMILES string contains a character ',' which is invalid
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseComplex
Charge can only be specified once
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseComplex
Charge can only be specified once
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseComplex
Charge can only be specified once
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseComplex
Charge can only be specified once
*** Open Babel Warning in ReadMolecule
Ignoring mass difference field for explicit hydrogen isotope.
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** Open Babel Warning in ReadMolecule
Ignoring mass difference field for explicit hydrogen isotope.
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 T 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** Open Babel Warning in ReadMolecule
Invalid value for mass difference. It should be between -3 and 4.
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 C 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** Open Babel Warning in ReadMolecule
Invalid value for mass difference. It should be between -3 and 4.
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 C -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** Open Babel Warning in WriteMolecule
No 2D or 3D coordinates exist. Stereochemical information will be stored using an Open Babel extension. To generate 2D or 3D coordinates instead use --gen2D or --gen3D.
*** Open Babel Warning in GetSmilesElement
Isotope value larger than 9999. Ignoring value.
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseComplex
Square planar stereochemistry must be one of SP1, SP2 or SP3
*** Open Babel Warning in ParseComplex
Square planar stereochemistry must be one of SP1, SP2 or SP3
*** Open Babel Warning in InsertSquarePlanarRef
Warning: Square planar stereo specified for atom with more than 4 connections.
*** Open Babel Warning in InsertSquarePlanarRef
Warning: Square planar stereo specified for atom with more than 4 connections.
Ran 62 tests in 0.247s
double free or corruption (!prev)
CMake Error at pybindtest_bindings.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Subprocess aborted
Start 224: pybindtest__pybel
224/229 Test #224: pybindtest__pybel ................***Failed 0.76 sec
*** Open Babel Warning in WriteMolecule
No 2D or 3D coordinates exist. Stereochemical information will be stored using an Open Babel extension. To generate 2D or 3D coordinates instead use --gen2D or --gen3D.
*** Open Babel Error in SMARTSError
Ran 34 tests in 0.437s
double free or corruption (!prev)
CMake Error at pybindtest__pybel.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Subprocess aborted
Start 225: pybindtest_example
225/229 Test #225: pybindtest_example ...............***Failed 0.32 sec
Ran 2 tests in 0.001s
free(): double free detected in tcache 2
CMake Error at pybindtest_example.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Subprocess aborted
Start 226: pybindtest_obconv_writers
226/229 Test #226: pybindtest_obconv_writers ........***Failed 0.39 sec
Ran 139 tests in 0.056s
double free or corruption (!prev)
CMake Error at pybindtest_obconv_writers.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Subprocess aborted
Start 227: pybindtest_cdjsonformat
227/229 Test #227: pybindtest_cdjsonformat ..........***Failed 0.34 sec
Ran 10 tests in 0.002s
free(): double free detected in tcache 2
CMake Error at pybindtest_cdjsonformat.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Subprocess aborted
Start 228: pybindtest_pcjsonformat
228/229 Test #228: pybindtest_pcjsonformat ..........***Failed 0.31 sec
Ran 17 tests in 0.008s
double free or corruption (!prev)
CMake Error at pybindtest_pcjsonformat.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Subprocess aborted
Start 229: pybindtest_roundtrip
229/229 Test #229: pybindtest_roundtrip .............***Failed 167.05 sec
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
*** Open Babel Error in TetStereoToWedgeHash
Failed to set stereochemistry as unable to find an available bond
/user/gent/400/vsc40023/eb_arcaninescratch/RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath/zen2-ib/software/Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/ ResourceWarning: unclosed running multiprocessing pool <multiprocessing.pool.Pool state=RUN pool_size=1>
_warn(f"unclosed running multiprocessing pool {self!r}",
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Ran 1 test in 166.704s
double free or corruption (!prev)
CMake Error at pybindtest_roundtrip.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Subprocess aborted
25% tests passed, 172 tests failed out of 229
Total Test time (real) = 329.42 sec
The following tests FAILED:
4 - test_align_4 (Subprocess aborted)
5 - test_align_5 (Subprocess aborted)
6 - test_alias_1 (Subprocess aborted)
7 - test_automorphism_1 (Subprocess aborted)
8 - test_automorphism_2 (Subprocess aborted)
9 - test_automorphism_3 (Subprocess aborted)
10 - test_automorphism_4 (Subprocess aborted)
11 - test_automorphism_5 (Subprocess aborted)
12 - test_automorphism_6 (Subprocess aborted)
13 - test_automorphism_7 (Subprocess aborted)
14 - test_automorphism_8 (Subprocess aborted)
15 - test_automorphism_9 (Subprocess aborted)
16 - test_automorphism_10 (Subprocess aborted)
17 - test_builder_1 (Subprocess aborted)
18 - test_builder_2 (Subprocess aborted)
19 - test_builder_3 (Subprocess aborted)
20 - test_builder_4 (Subprocess aborted)
21 - test_builder_5 (Subprocess aborted)
22 - test_builder_6 (Subprocess aborted)
23 - test_canonconsistent_1 (Subprocess aborted)
24 - test_canonconsistent_2 (Subprocess aborted)
25 - test_canonconsistent_3 (Subprocess aborted)
26 - test_canonfragment_1 (Subprocess aborted)
27 - test_canonstable_1 (Subprocess aborted)
28 - test_carspacegroup_1 (Subprocess aborted)
29 - test_carspacegroup_2 (Subprocess aborted)
30 - test_carspacegroup_3 (Subprocess aborted)
31 - test_carspacegroup_4 (Subprocess aborted)
32 - test_cifspacegroup_1 (Subprocess aborted)
33 - test_cifspacegroup_2 (Subprocess aborted)
35 - test_cifspacegroup_4 (Subprocess aborted)
36 - test_cifspacegroup_5 (Subprocess aborted)
37 - test_cifspacegroup_6 (Subprocess aborted)
38 - test_cifspacegroup_7 (Subprocess aborted)
39 - test_cifspacegroup_8 (Subprocess aborted)
40 - test_cifspacegroup_9 (Subprocess aborted)
41 - test_cifspacegroup_10 (Subprocess aborted)
42 - test_cifspacegroup_11 (Subprocess aborted)
43 - test_cifspacegroup_12 (Subprocess aborted)
44 - test_cifspacegroup_13 (Subprocess aborted)
50 - test_cistrans_6 (Subprocess aborted)
51 - test_cistrans_7 (Subprocess aborted)
52 - test_cistrans_8 (Subprocess aborted)
53 - test_cistrans_9 (Subprocess aborted)
54 - test_conversion_1 (Subprocess aborted)
55 - test_graphsym_1 (Subprocess aborted)
56 - test_graphsym_2 (Subprocess aborted)
57 - test_graphsym_3 (Subprocess aborted)
58 - test_graphsym_4 (Subprocess aborted)
59 - test_graphsym_5 (Subprocess aborted)
60 - test_gzip_1 (Subprocess aborted)
61 - test_addh_1 (Subprocess aborted)
62 - test_implicitH_1 (Subprocess aborted)
63 - test_lssr_1 (Subprocess aborted)
64 - test_lssr_2 (Subprocess aborted)
65 - test_lssr_3 (Subprocess aborted)
66 - test_lssr_4 (Subprocess aborted)
67 - test_lssr_5 (Subprocess aborted)
68 - test_isomorphism_1 (Subprocess aborted)
69 - test_isomorphism_2 (Subprocess aborted)
70 - test_isomorphism_3 (Subprocess aborted)
71 - test_isomorphism_4 (Subprocess aborted)
72 - test_isomorphism_5 (Subprocess aborted)
73 - test_isomorphism_6 (Subprocess aborted)
74 - test_isomorphism_7 (Subprocess aborted)
75 - test_isomorphism_8 (Subprocess aborted)
76 - test_isomorphism_9 (Subprocess aborted)
77 - test_multicml_1 (Subprocess aborted)
80 - test_periodic_3 (Subprocess aborted)
82 - test_regressions_1 (Subprocess aborted)
83 - test_regressions_221 (Subprocess aborted)
84 - test_regressions_222 (Subprocess aborted)
85 - test_regressions_223 (Subprocess aborted)
86 - test_regressions_224 (Subprocess aborted)
87 - test_regressions_225 (Subprocess aborted)
88 - test_regressions_226 (Subprocess aborted)
89 - test_regressions_227 (Subprocess aborted)
90 - test_regressions_228 (Subprocess aborted)
91 - test_regressions_240 (Subprocess aborted)
92 - test_regressions_241 (Subprocess aborted)
93 - test_regressions_242 (Subprocess aborted)
94 - test_regressions_1794 (Subprocess aborted)
95 - test_regressions_2111 (Subprocess aborted)
97 - test_rotor_2 (Subprocess aborted)
98 - test_rotor_3 (Subprocess aborted)
99 - test_rotor_4 (Subprocess aborted)
100 - test_shuffle_1 (Subprocess aborted)
101 - test_shuffle_2 (Subprocess aborted)
102 - test_shuffle_3 (Subprocess aborted)
103 - test_shuffle_4 (Subprocess aborted)
104 - test_shuffle_5 (Subprocess aborted)
105 - test_smiles_1 (Subprocess aborted)
106 - test_smiles_2 (Subprocess aborted)
107 - test_smiles_3 (Subprocess aborted)
123 - test_stereo_6 (Subprocess aborted)
124 - test_stereoperception_1 (Subprocess aborted)
125 - test_stereoperception_2 (Subprocess aborted)
126 - test_stereoperception_3 (Subprocess aborted)
127 - test_stereoperception_4 (Subprocess aborted)
128 - test_tautomer_1 (Subprocess aborted)
129 - test_tautomer_2 (Subprocess aborted)
130 - test_tautomer_3 (Subprocess aborted)
131 - test_tautomer_4 (Subprocess aborted)
132 - test_tautomer_5 (Subprocess aborted)
133 - test_tautomer_6 (Subprocess aborted)
134 - test_tautomer_7 (Subprocess aborted)
135 - test_tautomer_8 (Subprocess aborted)
136 - test_tautomer_9 (Subprocess aborted)
137 - test_tautomer_10 (Subprocess aborted)
138 - test_tautomer_11 (Subprocess aborted)
139 - test_tautomer_12 (Subprocess aborted)
140 - test_tautomer_13 (Subprocess aborted)
141 - test_tautomer_14 (Subprocess aborted)
142 - test_tautomer_15 (Subprocess aborted)
143 - test_tautomer_16 (Subprocess aborted)
144 - test_tautomer_17 (Subprocess aborted)
145 - test_tautomer_18 (Subprocess aborted)
146 - test_tautomer_19 (Subprocess aborted)
147 - test_tautomer_20 (Subprocess aborted)
148 - test_tautomer_21 (Subprocess aborted)
149 - test_tautomer_22 (Subprocess aborted)
150 - test_tautomer_23 (Subprocess aborted)
151 - test_tautomer_24 (Subprocess aborted)
152 - test_tautomer_25 (Subprocess aborted)
153 - test_tautomer_26 (Subprocess aborted)
154 - test_tautomer_27 (Subprocess aborted)
155 - test_tautomer_28 (Subprocess aborted)
165 - test_maereader_1 (Subprocess aborted)
166 - test_maereader_2 (Subprocess aborted)
167 - test_aromatest_1 (Subprocess aborted)
173 - test_cansmi_1 (Subprocess aborted)
174 - test_charge_mmff94_1 (Subprocess aborted)
175 - test_charge_gasteiger_1 (Subprocess aborted)
177 - test_ffgaff_1 (Subprocess aborted)
178 - test_ffghemical_1 (Subprocess aborted)
179 - test_ffmmff94_1 (Subprocess aborted)
180 - test_ffmmff94_2 (Subprocess aborted)
181 - test_ffmmff94_3 (Subprocess aborted)
182 - test_ffmmff94_4 (Subprocess aborted)
183 - test_ffmmff94_5 (Subprocess aborted)
185 - test_ffuff_1 (Subprocess aborted)
186 - test_formalcharge_1 (Subprocess aborted)
187 - test_format_1 (Subprocess aborted)
188 - test_formula_1 (Subprocess aborted)
192 - test_iterators_1 (Subprocess aborted)
193 - test_logp_psa_1 (Subprocess aborted)
198 - test_mol_1 (Subprocess aborted)
199 - test_pdbreadfile_1 (Subprocess aborted)
200 - test_pdbreadfile_2 (Subprocess aborted)
201 - test_pdbreadfile_3 (Subprocess aborted)
202 - test_pdbreadfile_4 (Subprocess aborted)
203 - test_phmodel_1 (Subprocess aborted)
204 - test_residue_1 (Subprocess aborted)
205 - test_ringtest_1 (Subprocess aborted)
206 - test_smartstest_1 (Subprocess aborted)
208 - test_smilesmatch_1 (Subprocess aborted)
210 - test_cmlreadfile_1 (Subprocess aborted)
211 - inchiSamples.sdf_Test (Subprocess aborted)
212 - inchiSamplesTechMan.sdf_Test (Subprocess aborted)
213 - inchiSteffen_PubChem.smi_Test (Subprocess aborted)
214 - pytest_babel (Failed)
215 - pytest_sym (Failed)
216 - pytest_smartssym (Failed)
220 - pytest_kekule (Failed)
222 - pytest_RInChI (Failed)
223 - pybindtest_bindings (Failed)
224 - pybindtest__pybel (Failed)
225 - pybindtest_example (Failed)
226 - pybindtest_obconv_writers (Failed)
227 - pybindtest_cdjsonformat (Failed)
228 - pybindtest_pcjsonformat (Failed)
229 - pybindtest_roundtrip (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
make: *** [Makefile:74: test] Error 8
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,052 WARNING Shell command FAILED (exit code 2, see output above): cp lib/ /tmp/vsc40023/easybuild_build/OpenBabel/3.1.1/gompi-2023a/openbabel-*/scripts/python/openbabel/ && make test
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,176 ERROR EasyBuild encountered an error (at easybuild/base/ in __init__): shell command 'cp ...' failed in test step for OpenBabel-3.1.1-gompi-2023a.eb (at easybuild/framework/ in report_test_failure)
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,176 INFO ... (took 5 mins 29 secs)
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,179 DEBUG software install path as specified by 'installpath' and 'subdir_software': /user/gent/400/vsc40023/eb_arcaninescratch/RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath/zen2-ib/software
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,179 INFO Removing lock /user/gent/400/vsc40023/eb_arcaninescratch/RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath/zen2-ib/software/.locks/_user_gent_400_vsc40023_eb_arcaninescratch_RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath_zen2-ib_software_OpenBabel_3.1.1-gompi-2023a.lock...
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,180 INFO Path /user/gent/400/vsc40023/eb_arcaninescratch/RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath/zen2-ib/software/.locks/_user_gent_400_vsc40023_eb_arcaninescratch_RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath_zen2-ib_software_OpenBabel_3.1.1-gompi-2023a.lock successfully removed.
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,180 INFO Lock removed: /user/gent/400/vsc40023/eb_arcaninescratch/RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath/zen2-ib/software/.locks/_user_gent_400_vsc40023_eb_arcaninescratch_RHEL8-eb5dev-rpath_zen2-ib_software_OpenBabel_3.1.1-gompi-2023a.lock
== 2024-09-30 22:10:33,180 INFO Closing log for application name OpenBabel version 3.1.1
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