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Last active January 23, 2017 13:57
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Notify user that their account has been accessed by a new IP. IP is cleared to make sure notification is sent again.
Pulling together User IP information and Email.
Enable the API under Settings > Access Control and remember your API key.
Shutdown PlexPy and open your config.ini file in a text editor.
Set api_sql = 1 in the config file.
Restart PlexPy.
Place in Playback Start
import argparse
import requests
import sys
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import email.utils
import smtplib
## -sn {show_name} -ena {episode_name} -ssn {season_num00} -enu {episode_num00} -srv {server_name} -med {media_type} -pos {poster_url} -tt {title} -sum {summary} -lbn {library_name} -ip {ip_address} -us {user} -uid {user_id} -pf {platform} -pl {player} -da {datestamp} -ti {timestamp}
PLEXPY_APIKEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxx' # Your PlexPy API key
PLEXPY_URL = 'http://localhost:8181/' # Your PlexPy URL
# Replace LAN IP addresses that start with the LAN_SUBNET with a WAN IP address
# to retrieve geolocation data. Leave REPLACEMENT_WAN_IP blank for no replacement.
LAN_SUBNET = ('10.201', '127.0.0')
# The notification subject and body
# - Use "{p.argument}" for script arguments
# - Use "{g.value}" for geolocation data
# - Use "{u.value}" for user data
SUBJECT_TEXT = "New IP has been detected using Plex."
BODY_TEXT = """\
<br>{p.user}, someone has accessed your account.<br>
<br>They watched {p.media_type}:{p.title} from a new IP address: {p.ip_address}<br>
<br>On {p.platform}[{p.player}] in <a href="{},{},{g.postal_code}">{}, {} {g.postal_code}</a> at {p.timestamp} on {p.datestamp}<br>
# Email settings
name = '' # Your name
sender = '' # From email address
email_server = '' # Email server (Gmail:
email_port = 587 # Email port (Gmail: 587)
email_username = '' # Your email username
email_password = '' # Your email password
email_subject = "New IP has been detected using Plex."
IGNORE_LST = ['123456', '123456'] # User_id
##Geo Space##
class GeoData(object):
def __init__(self, data=None):
data = data or {} = data.get('country', 'N/A') = data.get('city', 'N/A')
self.postal_code = data.get('postal_code', 'N/A')
##USER Space##
class UserEmail(object):
def __init__(self, data=None):
data = data or {} = data.get('email', 'N/A')
self.user_id = data.get('user_id', 'N/A')
self.user_thumb = data.get('user_thumb', 'N/A')
##API Space##
def get_user_ip_addresses(user_id='', ip_address=''):
# Get the user IP list from PlexPy
payload = {'apikey': PLEXPY_APIKEY,
'cmd': 'get_user_ips',
'user_id': user_id,
'search': ip_address}
r = requests.get(PLEXPY_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
response = r.json()
if response['response']['result'] == 'success':
data = response['response']['data']
if data.get('error'):
raise Exception(data['error'])
sys.stdout.write("Successfully retrieved UserIPs data.")
if response['response']['data']['recordsFiltered'] == 0:
sys.stdout.write("IP has no history.")
return True
sys.stdout.write("IP has history, killing script.")
raise Exception(response['response']['message'])
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("PlexPy API 'get_user_ip_addresses' request failed: {0}.".format(e))
def get_geoip_info(ip_address=''):
# Get the geo IP lookup from PlexPy
payload = {'apikey': PLEXPY_APIKEY,
'cmd': 'get_geoip_lookup',
'ip_address': ip_address}
r = requests.get(PLEXPY_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
response = r.json()
if response['response']['result'] == 'success':
data = response['response']['data']
if data.get('error'):
raise Exception(data['error'])
sys.stdout.write("Successfully retrieved geolocation data.")
return GeoData(data=data)
raise Exception(response['response']['message'])
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("PlexPy API 'get_geoip_lookup' request failed: {0}.".format(e))
return GeoData()
def get_user_email(user_id=''):
# Get the user email from PlexPy
payload = {'apikey': PLEXPY_APIKEY,
'cmd': 'get_user',
'user_id': user_id}
r = requests.get(PLEXPY_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
response = r.json()
if response['response']['result'] == 'success':
data = response['response']['data']
if data.get('error'):
raise Exception(data['error'])
sys.stdout.write("Successfully retrieved user email data.")
return UserEmail(data=data)
raise Exception(response['response']['message'])
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("PlexPy API 'get_user' request failed: {0}.".format(e))
return UserEmail()
def send_notification(arguments=None, geodata=None, useremail=None):
# Format notification text
email_subject = SUBJECT_TEXT.format(p=arguments, g=geodata, u=useremail)
body = BODY_TEXT.format(p=arguments, g=geodata, u=useremail)
message = MIMEText(body, 'html')
message['Subject'] = email_subject
message['From'] = email.utils.formataddr((name, sender))
mailserver = smtplib.SMTP(email_server, email_port)
mailserver.login(email_username, email_password)
mailserver.sendmail(sender,, message.as_string())
print 'Email sent'
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Email Failure: {0}.".format(e))
def clr_sql(ip):
payload = {'apikey': PLEXPY_APIKEY,
'cmd': 'sql',
'query': 'DELETE FROM session_history WHERE ip_address = "' + ip + '";'}'/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("PlexPy API 'get_sql' request failed: {0}.".format(e))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Parse arguments from PlexPy
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-ip', '--ip_address', action='store', default='',
help='The IP address of the stream')
parser.add_argument('-us', '--user', action='store', default='',
help='Username of the person watching the stream')
parser.add_argument('-uid', '--user_id', action='store', default='',
help='User_ID of the person watching the stream')
parser.add_argument('-med', '--media_type', action='store', default='',
help='The media type of the stream')
parser.add_argument('-tt', '--title', action='store', default='',
help='The title of the media')
parser.add_argument('-pf', '--platform', action='store', default='',
help='The platform of the stream')
parser.add_argument('-pl', '--player', action='store', default='',
help='The player of the stream')
parser.add_argument('-da', '--datestamp', action='store', default='',
help='The date of the stream')
parser.add_argument('-ti', '--timestamp', action='store', default='',
help='The time of the stream')
parser.add_argument('-sn', '--show_name', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-ena', '--episode_name', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the episode')
parser.add_argument('-ssn', '--season_num', action='store', default='',
help='The season number of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-enu', '--episode_num', action='store', default='',
help='The episode number of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-srv', '--plex_server', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the Plex server')
parser.add_argument('-pos', '--poster', action='store', default='',
help='The poster url')
parser.add_argument('-sum', '--summary', action='store', default='',
help='The summary of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-lbn', '--library_name', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the TV show')
p = parser.parse_args()
if p.user_id not in IGNORE_LST:
get_user_ip_addresses(user_id=p.user_id, ip_address=p.ip_address)
g = get_geoip_info(ip_address=p.ip_address)
u = get_user_email(user_id=p.user_id)
send_notification(arguments=p, geodata=g, useremail=u)
sys.stdout.write("User_id is ignored.")
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