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Created March 20, 2017 17:51
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skip expansion of numbers
var Marked = require('marked')
var cryptoz = require('crypto')
var Nsh = require('node-syntaxhighlighter')
var namer = require('./namer')
var Page = require('./models').Page
var directives = require('./directives')
var Configurable = require('./configurable')
var Configuration = function () {
Configuration.prototype = Object.create(Configurable.prototype)
var configuration = new Configuration()
var mdRenderer = new Marked.Renderer()
mdRenderer.code = function (code, lang, escaped) {
if (this.options.highlight) {
var out = this.options.highlight(code, lang)
if (out !== null && out !== code) {
escaped = true
code = out
if (!lang) {
return '<code class="md-code">' +
(escaped ? code : escape(code, true)) +
return '<code class="md-code ' +
this.options.langPrefix +
escape(lang, true) +
'">' +
(escaped ? code : escape(code, true)) +
gfm: true,
renderer: mdRenderer,
// pedantic: this is set on the render method
// breaks: this is set on the render method
tables: true,
smartLists: true,
sanitize: false, // To be able to add iframes
highlight: function (code, lang) {
lang = lang || 'text'
return Nsh.highlight(code, Nsh.getLanguage(lang) || Nsh.getLanguage('text'), {gutter: lang !== 'text'})
var tagmap = {}
// Yields the content with the rendered [[bracket tags]]
// The rules are the same for Gollum
function extractTags (text) {
tagmap = {}
var matches = text.match(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/g)
var tag
var id
if (matches) {
matches.forEach(function (match) {
match = match.trim()
tag = /(.?)\[\[(.+?)\]\](.?)/.exec(match)
if (tag[1] === "'") {
// skip empty
if (!tag[2]) {
// skip numeric
if (+tag[2] == tag[2]) {
// skip quoted things
if ((['"',"'"]).indexOf(tag[2][0]) >= 0) {
id = cryptoz.createHash('sha1').update(tag[2]).digest('hex')
tagmap[id] = tag[2]
text = text.replace(tag[0], id)
return text
function evalTags (text) {
var parts,
for (var k in tagmap) {
if (tagmap.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
parts = tagmap[k].split('|')
name = pageName = parts[0]
if (parts[1]) {
pageName = parts[1]
url = Page.urlFor(namer.wikify(pageName), 'show', configuration.configObject.getProxyPath())
tagmap[k] = '<a class="internal" href="' + url + '">' + name + '</a>'
for (k in tagmap) {
if (tagmap.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
re = new RegExp(k, 'g')
text = text.replace(re, tagmap[k])
return text
var directiveMap = directives.directiveMap
function applyDirectives (text) {
var matches = text.match(/\{\{([^}]*)\}\}/g)
if (matches) {
matches.forEach(function (match) {
var directiveString = /\{\{([^}]*)\}\}/.exec(match)[1]
var directiveSplit = directiveString.split('\n')
var directive = directiveSplit[0]
var args = directiveSplit.slice(1).join('\n')
if (directive in directiveMap) {
text = text.replace(match, directiveMap[directive](text, args))
return text
var Renderer = {
render: function (content) {
pedantic: configuration.getConfig().application.pedanticMarkdown,
breaks: configuration.getConfig().application.gfmBreaks
var text = extractTags(content)
text = evalTags(text)
text = applyDirectives(text)
return Marked(text)
module.exports = Renderer
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