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How to use authentication subkeys in gpg for SSH public key authentication

GPG subkeys marked with the "authenticate" capability can be used for public key authentication with SSH. This is done using gpg-agent which, using the --enable-ssh-support option, can implement the agent protocol used by SSH.


A working gpg2 setup is required. It may be possible to use gpg 1.4 but with gpg-agent compiled from gpg2. If you are using OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) then you may find the instructions here useful.

For setup purposes, you also need to the openpgp2ssh script; this can be removed later if you wish. openpgp2ssh is a perl script from the monkeysphere project which transforms OpenPGP RSA keys into OpenSSH ones. This requires the Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum perl module:

% sudo cpan install Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum
% curl |
>     tar -x --strip-components 2 monkeysphere-0.36/src/openpgp2ssh
% chmod +x openpgp2ssh
% cp openpgp2ssh ~/bin

If you are using OS X then you will want to disable ssh-agent otherwise launchd will keep on spawning it whenever you do anything ssh-related:

% sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/org.openbsd.ssh-agent.plist

Generate an authentication subkey

If you haven't already, then generate an authentication subkey with gpg --expert --edit-key 0xAF72A573. Be sure to toggle authentication capability on the subkey. For the rest of this document, as an example I will use my own key, which has a keyid of AF72A573 with authentication subkey 2F959C28.

Start gpg-agent

gpg-agent creates the environment variables GPG_AGENT_INFO, SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID, which it prints out at startup.

% eval $( gpg-agent --daemon --disable-scdaemon --enable-ssh-support )

Tell gpg-agent about the key

To identify the authentication subkey it is useful to have its fingerprint:

% gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons --fingerprint --fingerprint 0xAF72A573 |
>     awk -F: '$12 == "a" { getline; print $10 }'

Export the secret key and convert into from an OpenPGP RSA key into one that SSH can understand:

% gpg \
>     --export-options export-reset-subkey-passwd,export-minimal,no-export-attributes \
>     --export-secret-subkeys 0x56505466974969D71034D4F12A40F8F32F959C28! |
>     openpgp2ssh 56505466974969D71034D4F12A40F8F32F959C28 \
>     > './Andrew Ho <[email protected]>'

Add the key with ssh-add:

% ssh-add './Andrew Ho <[email protected]>'

This will store a copy of the key in ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/. It will also add the keygrip of the subkey to ~/.gnupg/sshcontrol.

To check that it has worked you can do ssh-add -l. You can also use ssh-add to generate the public key counterpart to be placed in the server's authorized_keys file:

% ssh-add -L >> authorized_keys
% scp authorized_keys user@foo:.ssh/

How to start gpg-agent automatically

It is useful to have the gpg-agent daemon ready for when you want to use it. It is also useful to be able to propagate the relevant environment variables across each session so that whenever you start a new shell it doesn't kill and respawn the daemon. This can be done by placing the following snippet in your shell's startup files (implemented, for example, here):

if [[ -a $HOME/.zshrc-ssh ]]; then
    . $HOME/.zshrc-ssh
kill -0 $SSH_AGENT_PID &> /dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then
    eval $( gpg-agent \
        --daemon \
        --enable-ssh-support \
        --write-env-file=$HOME/.zshrc-ssh )

This will tell gpg-agent to store the environment variables in ~/.zshrc-ssh. As each shell starts up, it will try to contact the daemon listed in those environment variables. If it no longer exists (e.g. if the OS has been restarted) then it will spawn a new daemon and rewrite the environment variables to ~/.zshrc-ssh. It is probably possible to achieve a similar feat using launchd.

Agent forwarding

On the face of it, forwarding the agent over SSH works much the same as with the native ssh-agent. Simply put the following in ~/.ssh/config:

Host foo
ForwardAgent yes

The with agent forwarding is much the same as if you were to forward the native ssh-agent: namely, that if you always reconnect to a long-running screen session on login then $SSH_AUTH_SOCK in each window will probably point to a different (likely defunct) socket as the socket location changes with each login. The answer is to have $SSH_AUTH_SOCK point to a static location such as ~/.ssh-agent-sock. This is a symlink which points to the true location of the socket which is updated on each login. This can be done with the following code (again, implemented here):

if [[ $SSH_AUTH_SOCK == /tmp/* ]]; then
    ln -sf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK $HOME/.ssh-agent-sock
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$HOME/.ssh-agent-sock
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ezoer commented Feb 5, 2023

@trendsetter37 Today I learned that this is because you may not have key pairs which support authentication. If you're using gpg, just edit your primary key and then add a new key of type (8) RSA. Then edit the capabilities to support Authentication (A) only. This will be the key which will be recognized by ssh as usable. There is more to getting everything working depending on your particular setup. Mine currently is Windows based and I followed this guide to configure most of the GitHub SSH integration:

(And, yes, I hope you did solve it in the meantime. It has been almost 6 years since you asked this question. ;))

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