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Last active September 16, 2020 15:22
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Part 1
rite a function called print_volume (r) that takes an argument for the radius of the sphere, and prints the volume of the sphere.
Call your print_volume function three times with different values for radius.
# define a constant variable PI
PI = 3.141592653589793
# calculate the volume
def print_volume(radius):
print((4/3) * PI * (radius**3))
Part 2
Write your own function that illustrates a feature that you learned in this unit. The function must take at least one argument.
# importing regular expression library
import re
googbox is a function that transforms a google drive image shared url or dropbox shared url into direct url that can be used directly as an image source in html file
goobox takes url <string> as an argument and do the following:
1- check if the url is already a valid direct url, if so returns an error.
2- check if it's a google drive shared url, and transform it to a direct url, returns the new direct url.
3- check if it's a dropbox shared url, return a new direct url
4- otherwise, if the url is not valid, returns an error
I own this function, more info here:
def goobox(url):
# regular expressions, for shared google drive and dropbox url
dropbox_regex = "(http(s)*:\/\/)*(www\.)*("
drive_regex = "(http(s)*:\/\/)*(www\.)*(\/file\/d\/)"
# regular expressions for direct ggogle drive and dropbox url
drive_direct_url_regex = "^(https:\/\/\/uc\?id=)"
dropbox_direct_url_regex = "^(https:\/\/"
# if the url is already a valid direct url, returns an error
if, url) or, url):
return "your URL is already a direct url, please use it as it is"
# if it is a shared dropbox url
if, url):
# return direct dropox url, by replacing "www." with "dl."
return re.sub("(http(s)*:\/\/)*(www\.)*", "https://dl.", url, 1)
# if it is a shared google drive url
elif, url):
# prefix for direct gdrive urls
url_starter = ""
# extract the file id from the url itself
_file_id = re.sub(drive_regex, "", url)
file_id = re.split("/",_file_id)
# return the direct url by compining the prefix with the file Id
return url_starter + file_id[0]
# if it is not a valid gdrive/dropbox url, return an Error
return "Error, Wrong URL, not a vlid drobox or google drive url"
# our progrram entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
# calling print_volume() three times
print_volume(4) # 201.06192983
print_volume(1) # 3.14159265359
print_volume(10) # 3141.59265359
# calling goobox with differnt cases
print(goobox("")) # your URL is already a direct url, please use it as it is
print(goobox("")) # Error, Wrong URL, not a vlid drobox or google drive url
print(goobox("")) #
print(goobox("")) #
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