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Last active August 29, 2024 09:05
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# This script is a simple implementation of the famous Viterbi algorithm.
# Viterbi can find the best path of states through an HMM (Hidden Markov Model),
# given a sequence of observations. In the future, the HMM class could be
# extended to also support other algorithms (e.g. Forward or Baum-Welch).
class HMM
# Initialize with given HMM model. Each state consists of a name, emission
# probabilities, transition probabilities and an initial probability.
# Additional basic checks to ensure probability sums of 1 are in place.
def initialize(states)
# Guard that emissions always sum up to 1
if states.any? { |s| s[:emissions].values.sum != 1 }
raise "Probabilities of emissions do no sum up to 1."
# Guard that transitions always sum up to 1
if states.any? { |s| s[:transitions].values.sum != 1 }
raise "Probabilities of transitions do no sum up to 1."
# Keep HMM model as instance variable
@states = states
# Finds the most likely path through the provided model, given a sequence
# of observations. The algorithm works by first calculating the best states
# for each observations, building upon the previous probabilities and then
# use backtracking to find the best path through the states.
def viterbi_path(observations)
values = []
# Initialize values array for each state with the first observation
# E.g. [{ H: {prob: 0.15, prev: nil}, L: {prob: 0.1, prev: nil}}]
values << @states.to_h do |state|
[state[:name], {
prob: state[:initial] * state[:emissions][observations.first],
prev: nil
# Run the algorithm for all remaining observations
observations.drop(1).each.with_index(1) do |observation, index|
# For each observation, iterate through all states
values << @states.to_h do |state|
# Compute the best previous state
prev_state = @states.max_by do |prev_state|
values[index - 1][prev_state[:name]][:prob] *
# Compute the probability of the best previous state
max_prob = (
values[index - 1][prev_state[:name]][:prob] *
# Set new probability and backward pointer
[state[:name], {
prob: max_prob * state[:emissions][observation],
prev: prev_state[:name]
# For tracking back the best path, we have to find the best last state
last_name, last_values = values.last.max_by { |_, x| x[:prob] }
# Save the best path through the states.
# Initialized with the name of the best last state.
best_path = [last_name]
# The pointer to the best previous state
previous = last_values[:prev]
# Iterate backward, following the pointer
values.drop(1).reverse.each do |value|
previous = value[previous][:prev]
# Return optimal path and probability of that path
[best_path, last_values[:prob]]
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SebastianPoell commented Apr 15, 2022

Use it like that:

# Define a HMM model
hmm =[
    name: :Healthy,
    emissions: { normal: 0.5, cold: 0.4, dizzy: 0.1 },
    transitions: { Healthy: 0.7, Fever: 0.3 },
    initial: 0.6
  }, {
    name: :Fever,
    emissions: { normal: 0.1, cold: 0.3, dizzy: 0.6 },
    transitions: { Healthy: 0.4, Fever: 0.6 },
    initial: 0.4

# Compute best path and its probability, given the observations
path, prob = hmm.viterbi_path([:normal, :cold, :dizzy])
puts "Likeliest path: #{path.join(', ')} with probability: #{prob}"

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