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Last active November 3, 2023 19:28
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Some numworks' epsilon things

Some flags aren't described here, because they're not used at all (ex : QUIZ_USE_CONSOLE and POINCARE_TESTS_PRINT_EXPRESSIONS).

Flag Description
PLATFORM The platform for which you want to compile (values : device, simulator and blackbox). Default value : device
TARGET The target of the simulator (values : windows, macos, linux, android, ios and web). Default : $(HOST), which can be windows, macos or linux
DEBUG Change output folder (debug and not release), change optimization level (-O0 and not -Os) and other optimization for specific toolchain, log events, avoid restarting MCU when aborting, change assertion level (from 0 to 2), add debug on expiring pointers. Default value : 0
EPSILON_VERSION The version of epsilon. Default value 13.1 (may change)
EPSILON_APPS The apps which are compiled. Default value : calculation graph code statistics probability solver sequence regression settings
EPSILON_I18N The languages which are compiled. Default value : en fr es de pt (may change)
EPSILON_GETOPT Add support of option in the generated simulator. Default value : 0 on device, and 1 on simulator
EPSILON_TELEMETRY Add telemetry (tracking) to simulator. Default value : 0
ESCHER_LOG_EVENTS_BINARY Log the binary of the event. Default value : 0
ION_STORAGE_LOG Add functions to log a Ion::Storage. Default value : undef
POINCARE_TREE_LOG Add functions to log a poincare tree. Default value : undef
V Build verbose (log all executed commands). Default value : undef

All theses shortcuts can be found here.

Key Ctrl Alt Shift Resulted event
Tab Toolbox (even if it isn't an event)
X Cut
C Copy
V Paste
S Arcsine
C Arccosine
T Arctangent
V Var box
X Exp
N Ln
L Log
I Immaginary
= Sto
S Sine
C Cosine
T Tangent
P Pi
R Sqrt
2 Square
A Ans
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