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Created August 23, 2023 14:02
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Clean up bib file
cleans up given bib file from attributes set in JabRef
with open("bib.bib", 'r', encoding= 'utf-8') as old_bib:
lines = old_bib.readlines()
remove = False
idx_remove = list()
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
if remove == True:
if 'abstract' in line:
remove = True
if remove == True and '},' in line:
remove = False
remove2 = False
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
if remove2 == True:
if 'comment' in line:
remove2 = True
if remove2 == True and '},' in line:
remove2 = False
with open("bib.bib", 'w', encoding= 'utf-8') as new_bib:
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
if 'file' not in line and 'groups' not in line and 'keywords' not in line and 'priority' not in line and 'readstatus' not in line and idx not in idx_remove:
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