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Created June 27, 2024 18:08
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{% liquid
assign ss = section.settings
assign desktop_image = ss.desktop_image
assign mobile_image = ss.mobile_image
assign video =
assign video_loop = ss.video_loop
assign desktop_sub_header = ss.sub_header
assign mobile_sub_header = ss.mobile_sub_header
assign desktop_header = ss.header
assign mobile_header = ss.mobile_header
assign show_button = ss.show_button
assign button_text = ss.button_text
assign button_link = ss.button_link
assign vertical_alignment = ss.vertical_alignment_mobile | append: ' ' | append: ss.vertical_alignment_desktop
assign horizontal_alignment = ss.horizontal_alignment_mobile | append: ' ' | append: ss.horizontal_alignment_desktop
assign base_space = '2.25rem'
assign preferred_color = null
assign show_header_on_mobile = ss.show_header_on_mobile
assign desktop_text_color = ss.text_color
assign mobile_text_color = ss.mobile_text_color
assign mobile_indicator_size = ss.mobile_indicator_size
assign desktop_indicator_size = ss.desktop_indicator_size
class="grid grid-cols-1 grid-rows-1 mx-[0.69rem] relative py-4"
style="--base-space: {{base_space}}">
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{% if video != blank %}
{% if video_loop %}
{% endif %}
style="aspect-ratio: {{ video.aspect_ratio }}"
class="min-h-[44rem] object-cover max-h-screen w-full"
poster="{{ video.preview_image.src }}">
{% for source in video.sources %}
<source src="{{ source.url }}" type="{{ source.mime_type }}">
{% endfor %}
{% elsif desktop_image != blank or mobile_image != blank %}
{% render 'viewport-images-mobile-desktop'
, mobile_image: mobile_image
, desktop_image: desktop_image
, class: 'object-cover w-full min-h-[40rem] lg:min-h-0'
, fetch_priority: 'high'
, loading: 'eager'
{% endif %}
<div class="{{vertical_alignment}} {{horizontal_alignment}} col-start-1 row-start-1 row-end-1 col-end-1 relative max-w-[35rem] text-center text-off-black px-4 lg:px-8 py-12">
<h3 class="typography__body-large mb-0.5 {% unless show_header_on_mobile %} hidden {% endunless %} lg:block text-[var(--mobile-text-color)] lg:text-[color:var(--desktop-text-color)] text-[length:var(--mobile-font-size)] lg:text-[length:var(--desktop-font-size)]" style="--mobile-text-color: {{ mobile_text_color }}; --desktop-text-color: {{ desktop_text_color }}; --mobile-font-size: {{ ss.sub_header_font_size_mobile }}px; --desktop-font-size: {{ ss.sub_header_font_size_desktop }}px;">
<span class="lg:hidden">{{ mobile_sub_header }}</span>
<span class="hidden lg:block">{{ desktop_sub_header }}</span>
<h2 class="typography__display {% unless show_header_on_mobile %} hidden {% endunless %} lg:block text-[color:var(--mobile-text-color)] lg:text-[color:var(--desktop-text-color)] text-[length:var(--mobile-font-size)] lg:text-[length:var(--desktop-font-size)]" style="--mobile-text-color: {{ mobile_text_color }}; --desktop-text-color: {{ desktop_text_color }}; --mobile-font-size: {{ ss.header_font_size_mobile }}px; --desktop-font-size: {{ ss.header_font_size_desktop }}px;">
<span class="lg:hidden">{{ mobile_header }}</span>
<span class="hidden lg:block">{{ desktop_header }}</span>
{% if show_button %}
class="btn btn--primary mx-auto mt-5 lg:mt-[1.88rem] bg-[var(--button-bg-color)] text-[var(--button-text-color)] hover:bg-[var(--button-hover-color)]"
href="{{ button_link }}"
style="--button-bg-color: {{ ss.button_bg_color }}; --button-text-color: {{ ss.button_text_color }}; --button-hover-color: {{ ss.button_hover_color }};">
{{- button_text -}}
{% endif %}
{% for block in section.blocks %}
{% liquid
assign product = block.settings.product
assign mobile_left_position = block.settings.mobile_left_position | append: '%'
assign mobile_top_position = block.settings.mobile_top_position | append: '%'
assign desktop_left_position = block.settings.desktop_left_position | append: '%'
assign desktop_top_position = block.settings.desktop_top_position | append: '%'
assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant
if current_variant.metafields.variation_fields.hide_variation
for variant in product.variants
unless variant.metafields.variation_fields.hide_variation
assign current_variant = variant
assign image = current_variant.featured_image | default: product.images[0]
assign style =
assign title = product.title
assign price = product.price | money_without_trailing_zeros
assign badge = product.metafields.display.badge
assign color_options = product.options_by_name.color.values
assign can_quick_buy = false
if product.options.size == 1 and color_options != blank
assign can_quick_buy = true
if color_options != blank and preferred_color != blank
assign color_position = product.options_by_name.color.position
assign color_option_key = 'option1'
if color_position == 2
assign color_option_key = 'option2'
elsif color_position == 3
assign color_option_key = 'option3'
assign preferred_variant = product.variants | where: color_option_key, preferred_color | first
if preferred_variant != blank
assign image = preferred_variant.featured_image | default: product.images[0]
data-product-id="{{ }}"
class="block group w-[var(--indicator-size-mobile)] h-[var(--indicator-size-mobile)] lg:w-[var(--indicator-size-desktop)] lg:h-[var(--indicator-size-desktop)] absolute-position absolute [--absolute-position-left:var(--absolute-position-left-mobile)] [--absolute-position-top:var(--absolute-position-top-mobile)] lg:[--absolute-position-left:var(--absolute-position-left-desktop)] lg:[--absolute-position-top:var(--absolute-position-top-desktop)]"
style="--absolute-position-left-mobile: {{mobile_left_position}}; --absolute-position-top-mobile: {{mobile_top_position}}; --absolute-position-left-desktop: {{desktop_left_position}}; --absolute-position-top-desktop: {{desktop_top_position}}; --indicator-size-mobile: {{mobile_indicator_size}}px; --indicator-size-desktop: {{desktop_indicator_size}}px;">
class="relative hover:scale-105 transition-transform "
style="--background-color: {{ ss.indicator_color_background }}; --foreground-color: {{ ss.indicator_color_foreground }}">
class="w-[var(--indicator-size-mobile)] h-[var(--indicator-size-mobile)] lg:w-[var(--indicator-size-desktop)] lg:h-[var(--indicator-size-desktop)] transition-colors stroke-[var(--foreground-color)] group-data-[state=opening]:stroke-[var(--background-color)] group-data-[state=open]:stroke-[var(--background-color)]"
viewBox="0 0 35 35"
class="transition-colors fill-[var(--background-color)] group-data-[state=opening]:fill-[var(--foreground-color)] group-data-[state=open]:fill-[var(--foreground-color)]"
stroke-width="1.5" />
d="M9 17L26 17"
class="transition-colors "
stroke-linecap="round" />
d="M9 17L26 17"
class=" transition-opacity duration-500 opacity-100 group-data-[state=opening]:opacity-0 group-data-[state=open]:opacity-0 stroke-[var(--foreground-color)] rotate-90 origin-center"
stroke-linecap="round" />
<span class="sr-only">show/hide {{ product.title }} shoppable card</span>
class=" left-[var(--position-offset-mobile)] bottom-[var(--position-offset-mobile)] lg:left-[var(--position-offset-desktop)] lg:bottom-[var(--position-offset-desktop)] shadow-product-card bg-white rounded-lg"
style="--position-offset-mobile: {{mobile_indicator_size | times: 0.666 | round}}px; --position-offset-desktop: {{desktop_indicator_size | times: 0.666 | round}}px;">
{% render 'product-card-content'
, product: product
, show_favorite: false
, is_tiny: true
, is_shoppable_card: true
{% endfor %}
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"value": "#f1f4f7",
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"value": "#169b4f",
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"value": "transparent",
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"value": "#fff",
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"value": "#000",
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"value": "#a17559",
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"value": "#ece3de",
"label": "Copper 20"
"value": "#f5f1ee",
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"default": 50
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"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"step": 1,
"unit": "%",
"label": "Desktop Vertical Position",
"default": 50
"presets": [
"name": "Shoppable Hero Banner"
{% endschema %}
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