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Last active February 28, 2020 20:24
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class DynamicSampleInterface:
"""What the sample protocol might look like, if exposed to Python
Such types probably also have to subclass from a particular native
type which implements the protocol (not shown)"""
def get(self):
"""Return a buffer with the next samples"""
def reset(self):
"""Move the position to the first sample, if inapplicable"""
def more(self):
"""False when the end of a finite sample is reached, True otherwise"""
def sample_rate(self):
"""Return the sample rate in Hz"""
def bits_per_sample(self):
"""Return the bits per sample (must be 8 or 16)"""
def channel_count(self):
"""Return the number of channels (must be 1 or 2)"""
def max_samples(self):
"""Return the maximum number of samples returned by one get() call"""
class PDMInSample: # implements DynamicSampleInterface
def __init__(..., *, buffer, ...):
"""Initialize the PDM Input Stream, including a buffer object. The buffer object is divided in half and one half of it will be returned by get()"""
def get(self):
"""Returns the next samples, blocking if necessary"""
def more(self):
"""PDMInStream is an infinite sample, so always returns True"""
return True
def sample_rate(self):
"""Return the sample rate in Hz"""
def bits_per_sample(self):
"""Return the bits per sample (must be 8 or 16)"""
def channel_count(self):
"""Return the number of channels (must be 1 or 2)"""
def max_samples(self):
"""Return the maximum number of samples returned by one get() call"""
# This is an addition to the API of DynamicSampleInterface. It may not
# be useful; in reality, samples have to come lock step (clocked from the
# same source with the same divisor) or bad things happen.
# Actually, it might make things better that you can check ready() once
# and then actually start playing the PDMInSample...
def ready(self):
"""Returns true if the next samples are ready, False otherwise"""
class FIRFilterSample: # implements DynamicSampleInterface
def __init__(self, sample, taps):
self.sample = sample
self.taps = taps
def get(self):
... get from sample, deal with boundary conditions ...
... convolve with taps, return value ...
def more(self):
return self.sample.more
def sample_rate(self):
return self.sample.sample_rate
def bits_per_sample(self):
return self.sample.bits_per_sample
def channel_count(self):
return self.sample.channel_count
def max_samples(self):
return self.sample.max_samples
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